
This is a War between RUSSIA and the WEST | Ukrainian

This is a War between RUSSIA and the WEST | Ukrainian War Update

#War #RUSSIA #WEST #Ukrainian

“Artur Rehi”

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  1. Well, Russia is only the obvious one. They have their plans. It all depends on who winds up being the Big Kahuna, Xi or Putin. Then we'll have: China, Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua, Pakistan – maybe, Russia, and Venezuela; all on the same side. Some smaller countries might join them from around the World.

    As far as Nuclear War, concensus has it that the fallout will blow into Russia and China. May Dad worked on the Manhattan Project. I grew up with documents describing what will happen. I'm not any more scared than I have to be. We never even built a fallout shelter. I laughed at the paper sleeping bags we had stored at school. I told them we would all get burned up anyway. We suffer from what I call, "The Truman Effect". We have a guilt complex preventing us from using the bomb, Even though we would probably win, we don't want to use them. I say, bring it, Midget Man! You and your cohort midget, Medvedev.

  2. this is kinda unrelated, but……. are we even sure russias icbms are up to spec?
    they have been so happhazard and held together by ducktape in all their actions so far in this war that one wonders…..
    maybe far less of russias nukes are in ready to rock operation than they are letting on, and are leaning on the idea that everyone believes they are………..
    But i would not be surprised if the majority of them have been left to degrade and there has been less than sufficient maintenance on them over the last few decades……..

  3. I was born in the early 1970's. I grew up worried about…or mostly not worrying about WW3 because it was on the news every night. Especially footage of their parades. I didn't understand how we had joint space missions while aiming more and more nukes at each other. I lived under the thumb of this fear.
    Now I have raised my kids…they are adults, and I am wiser. Kids in the USA now do not understand how it was under the USSR.
    I am not afraid of Putin or his rusting nukes. He needs to go. He is really bad for Russians. Bad for Americans, and he cannot be allowed to stay un power. His threats are meaningless to me and many others my age. We were born into the USSR tyranny. It is his only negotiating tool left. Let him rattle his sabers. I am not afraid of him anymore.

  4. Heh again BigMan, Your English is brilliant but one wee correction. Locked up lorry brakes on icey roads leave "skid" marks not "scratch" marks. You really don't want to know where else you might find "skid marks" ! (google it if you don't know the slang)

  5. Thank you for explaining things in a way people can begin to understand. I have been following this, as an American, for well over a year now and I am still learning how difficult it is to think and understand others cross-culturally. You have been very helpful.

  6. Very well put. This is what we need to know, realize and keep in our heads. Especially valuable lesson can be learned from people like you are, given your historical experience with Russia (in all it's different reigns there is so purely visible imperial pattern, regardless who was in charge and what was it's name). Here in Czechia we didn't really had any real experience with Russia and we had to learn the hard way after the WW2, hence we are here now, also supporting Ukraine.

  7. As an American I can say I am embarrassed by my countries lack of response and the fear of escalation. Some, not all fear the escalation but fail to realize that if you fear escalation, it neutrilizes any deterrent that you use. Russia is not afraid of NATO or the US because they know we will ignore their threats, and only use financial presure and failed diplomacy. We as a whole fail to recognize that Russia DOES NOT THINK LIKE US! They still have a cold war mentalty that cimpasion is weakness. The US most of all has cashed in and doesnt want to fight any wars for anyone. Many hear lack the knowledge that this encourages Putin to do more. He doesnt care about his people and only his legacy as a Csarist. He will stop at nothing to wear down Ukraine. He doesnt need to take over Ukraine, he just has to out last them. This will set up the pieces for future fights. My children may have to fight in a future war because Americans are incable of seeing how actions today, has causation for tomorrow. Putin will likely be dead but another Russian will gamble to take over the Balkins which will be a direct attack on NATO. America may not live up to its treaty obligations and destroy NATO as a whole. Deterrence ONLY works if you show you are willing to use it. These all are consequences for the next generations and Americans are to short sighted to see this. Many of my countrymen cant see past tomorrow. If I was NATO counties I would start planning on fighting wars without America. We are now a land with alot of cuckolds. Its an embarrassment to me.

  8. 5:09 I am not afraid of putins threats. Firstly if he was going to go nuclear, he would have done it by now. Secondly, he is the one with fear, he is afraid of his own mortality and that’s why he won’t go nuclear. Lastly, cowards who make threats instead of action rarely follow through with their empty threats.

  9. Thank you for showing us this video of your ukranian troops loving n caring for these precious animal's. Cat are very useful for mouser and loving. I'll bet it is a great distraction for the troops also. I can see more of this in your videos. Slava Ukraine. 😅

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