Transhumanism, Neuralink, and Eliminating Free Will

Transhumanism, Neuralink, and Eliminating Free Will

#Transhumanism #Neuralink #Eliminating #Free


What do Yuval Noah Harari, Elon Musk, and Joe Biden have in common? Today we are going to discuss transhumanism, …



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  1. Happy birthday Judy I’m just now finding out it was your birthday a few days ago. We love you we loved Irvin Baxter. We love all of you there at any time show. God bless you always thank you for the wisdom and the truth being upset before all of us, to God, be the glory.

  2. It sickens me to hear all this about transhumanism and the brain chip, sacrificing monkey's for this garbage is beyond disturbing and sad. They came out with a remedy in 2020 for what they unleashed on us and look how many fatalities and injuries to this day. It's beyond satanic. Happy birthday Judy God Bless you 🎈

  3. Good morning Doug and Vince This reminds me of an article when I was a teen. That people are going to want to die and want to die but can't. I forgot the details but a friend shared that with me back then as well as The book from George Orwell 1984.

  4. You know the thing about the market the beast is that is that’s not mentioning the Bible either along with the rapture so who came up with the term market and the beast I mean who gave it that title and also the same for the rapture

  5. No, I will not get the chip. Yeah, I think it’s part of the market abuse I believe the market beast will be at biometric tattoo or microchip, and I think the vaccine will be part of the process of getting the market to be.

  6. transhumanism won,t make an individual bionic but as the body ages replaced parts become worn and defective over time.
    and having a neuralink chip implant can cause all kinds of mental problems and can kill quickly via an emp pulse blackout including heart monitors and pace makers. the best upgrade that no tech can beat is spiritual from GOD! ✝ AMEN!

  7. Any promise of eternal life that does not transcend this physical dimension is a lie. ”Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?“
    ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  8. The Illuminarti has been Tring to talk to me telepathic since I was 9 years old. God told me not to talk to them, so I never did. I am now 62 years old this year. I also know that they know many people who are called mad or skitsoprenic and also report on what these voices are saying to them..

  9. I beg to differ. When Jesus comes, the dead go first! Then us born again.. saved but Him go! He's not going to make his Bride go through Tribulation ! His bride is without spot or blemish to enter Heaven no I I I no hlI'😮more pro anything that protects

  10. There's so many Christians believing they will be rescued and it's is just sad. Yes the rapture will happen but it won't be when most expect and it shows who doesn't know God. We have work to do and God is willing that none would perish. We are to be preaching, visiting the sick and in prison, feeding the hungry and clothing the homeless. The great commission should be on our mind not living in fear and waiting for escape…If you are afraid it means you need to draw nigh to Godb and he will draw nigh to you…

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