
Trump HORRIFIED by Outcome of Judge Cannon Hearing

Trump HORRIFIED by Outcome of Judge Cannon Hearing

#Trump #HORRIFIED #Outcome #Judge #Cannon #Hearing

“Talking Feds with Harry Litman”

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas and Harry discuss the latest hearing in Trump’s documents case. – TALKING FEDS PODCAST is …



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  1. 😡 you're not above law. "Committing crimes IS NOT "LEGAL." 😡 Every gotdamn time Trump gets caught screwing up, or when things don't go his way, Trump always wants us to believe it's "RIGGED"

  2. So, what I am hearing is that Judge Cannon has blatantly ignored the orders of her betters, alienating her colleagues. And no one is gonna be seen having lunch with her. So if Trump (please God) loses, her hopes of promotions are shot.

  3. Yes but perception is everything, and as long as FOX(news) continues to do what they do. Then the bubble won't be pierced! Maggie and the gals are goin strong somehow? So many misinformed people in this country. Or at least In the part of the country I live in. 75% in my county last time:( voted gop. It's always that way here in east TN. Nevertheless I just don't know after Jan 6th how that we are here in this place!?! Should have been buried after that but FoX let tuck put just enough doubt in people. My God both these men are way to old to be leading anything but the buffet line! Just hope Turmp goes away after this loss, I don't even want it to be jail I just want him to go away. How will he stop them from stealing it this time? Maggie huh ? If he couldn't do it from the oval office how can he do it from the toilet in Florida?

  4. Her point and holding all of these hearings is not to rule in Trump's favor and get kicked off the case. Her point in holding all of his hearings is to delay things for years longer. which she has already done up to this point.

  5. She is running down the clock. The trick with running down the clock is to keep possession of the ball. Anyone who thinks she is incompetent is missing the point. She is doing exactly what she was hired to do.

  6. Bullshit. She’s just playing the game that she’s against Trump, in order to collect her monetary reward from Trump after she sets him free! She, like him, is a POS that only cares about herself. And hopefully the FBI has been carefully watching her to determine if she is a national traitor in addition to being a corrupt judge.

  7. Bullshit. She’s just playing the game that she’s against Trump, in order to collect her monetary reward from Trump after she sets him free! She like him is a POS that only cares about herself.

  8. I completely agree that her behavior in this case strongly suggests a quid pro pro “…you find a way to make this case go away, I’ll appoint you to the SCOTUS.”

  9. I believed from the beginning that Aileen Cannon did not what she was doing and would spend nights cramming to figure out how to rule on any given day's petitions.
    Biden should fire her the day after the election and the 11th district's pain

  10. Cannon is desperate to be the MAGA Attorney General under Trump or next MAGA Supreme Court Appointee, she is very calculating and playing a long game. Clearly, she got her current job even though unqualified. She's calculating.

  11. Harry and Ben— You are basing your discussion on the premise that Cannon is playing chess at the grand master level. I think you may be giving her waaaaay too much credit. She appears to be fumbling, floundering, and drowning—even while usually finding in Trump's favor. Consider the possibility that she is being coached (perhaps by the Federalist Society) on the many ways to shuffle this case along until the 2024 election. If Trump wins the election, she's home free. The case will be dismissed under his DOJ, and she looks like a hero. Well, no matter how it's unfolding—whether through Cannon's own machinations, or at the instruction of a more experienced strategist—she's corrupt.

  12. Trump’s questioning of the validity of the Special Counsel at this point and time but not for the Mueller investigation, makes his argument “null & void” before it enters the courtroom.

  13. Oyleen Qannon is one of the wrecking crew out to smash the administrative state. It wouldn’t take much to convince me that she shows her docs to a team at Heritage and they strategize her next moves.

  14. Whenever the American people elect a President, a Senator or candidate to represent the people begins with the non vetting of an incompetent who may or may not be a total waste of tax payer dollars. What does Trump know about the law and what would qualify him to appoint Judges to the Supreme Court ? Why not elect an auto mechanic and ask him to appoint one ?

  15. Isn't there a similarity in the way the Supreme Court has delayed Trump's D.D. trial (for more than six months), and the way Aileen Cannon, (who by the way, has had at least one vacation paid for by Leonard Leo), has done the same with the Florida trial? Are the two delays being coordinated by an agency, or a billionaire?

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