
Tuchanka For The Holidays! | Mass Effect 3 | Blind Let’s

Tuchanka For The Holidays! | Mass Effect 3 | Blind Let’s Play Through | Ep. 11

#Tuchanka #Holidays #Mass #Effect #Blind #Lets


HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! ✨❄️ I hope you’re having a magical day full of good food, good drinks, good music and/or …



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  1. Hackett did mention that the Cerberus activity on Benning doesn't really match TIM's MO. After all, TIM wants Cerberus to advance humanity, so it doesn't make sense to kill humans. What purpose would that serve to advance humanity? There's not really a use

    Barla Von

    Wouldn't it be funny if Liara was there with you?
    Shepard to Liara: "Finder's fee? I'm getting pocket money?"
    Liara: "I don't have all my money in my office. All my money is invested in people and organisations, so I need others to pay you."
    Shepard: "You mean you're broke?"
    Liara: "Broker."

    PTSD Asari

    IF you want to pick up on the connection with the PTSD Asari, remember the names of the people she mentions, in particular her Asari friend and the farm girl.

    N7 missions

    In the original ME3 there actually was a multiplayer option with new maps, new weapons and being able to play as a Batarian, Salarian, Asari, etc. It seemed very fun to do, but since the servers it ran on were already scrapped since nobody played it anymore, they didn't include it in the Legendary Edition. I've never played it since I don't really do well with teaming up with random people and I was the only one in my group that played this game.
    If you want to see how it looks, you'll have to search for them on YT. But since that will also result in spoilers, I'll quote Garrus: "Perhaps later?" 🙂

    As for the big area for a single player run, it's mostly meant for higher difficulties (like Insanity ) where enemies can converge on you from different directions, pinning you down or forcing you to find a better position. That means you're never in a single spot, but have to move around the map to find spots where you can fight them off for a little while until you get pinned and need to find a different spot. Benning, for instance, can be quite challenging on the highest difficulty, because 'finding a different spot' means crossing open spaces or corridors where enemies can still shoot at you. It will be a bit of a frenzy 🙂


    He calls you crazy because in his eyes you're so unconventional that it can be regarded as crazy. Most of what you do goes against Alliance regulations as well, teaming up with the Geth, teaming up with Cerberus, making deals with Aria … but the things you achieve are ridiculous as well. A suicide mission through the Omega4 relay, defeating the Collectors, defeating Saren and Sovereign. If you tell that to a regular soldier, they call that "crazy". So yeah, James considers you crazy for doing all that – but as a compliment. I think he mentioned such things when you "danced", the first time he came on board with you.
    To be fair, it makes more sense when you're a male Shepard due to dialogue differences.


    I understand you want to return here, because it's a very intriguing DLC story 🙂 But please put it off for a while longer. I'd love to give you an indication when you can return to it that fits the timeline, but pretty much everything I say would be a spoiler. So I hope I (and others) will be able to tell you when you'd most enjoy doing it.

    Genophage cure

    An interesting proposal from the Dalatrass. Do you gamble on being able to trick Wrex and being able to convince Mordin to fake the cure to gain the Salarian forces? If Wrex finds out, you'll lose the Krogan forces, which will also mean losing the Turian support. How well can you lie, convince and be deceptive? Curious to see how you'll handle it 🙂
    Welcome back to politics 😁

    The reason why Garrus is so understanding about the Genophage is like Victus; he understands why the genophage was the smart move, but he's smart enough to graps the stakes. I find it interesting that Garrus never explicitly supports or disagrees with the cure, instead giving pros and cons


    Wrex may be an outlier, but if he managed to unite most of the clans and with the genophage all clans, what do you think that'd do to the Krogan mentality? They see Wrex manages wins without fighting other species, even manages to cure the genophage. That should make him a hero, perhaps even a living legend. People could possibly follow his ways even after he dies.
    If enough time passes, the Krogan would be able to experience a time of peace and prosperity. With child birth being a thing again, Krogan might actually experience what it means to have a family again. Would that mean Krogan can learn what it means to finding a new way of living? To change their whole outlook on life?
    (And yes, I love posing these questions to you and hearing your thoughts on them further down the line as you post new videos 🙂 )

    And one more thing that you don't have mentioned yet (due to not noticing or not voicing, I don't know) but see the impact and authority Eve has on the Krogan community as a whole? All the Krogan, including Wreav immediately fall silent as she speaks. It feels like she's even more of a leader than Wrex, and she agrees with Wrex. With Eve Wrex has a very, very powerful ally in the Krogan community.

  2. It feels like you dont listen to what the Krogan was subjected too or how the reapers arriving changes the needs for a cure for the genophage but its your playthrough. Also you dont deem to be able to understand why the Krogan are so angry and they are rightly so, didnt you hear the Dalatrass? She openly says the Krogan was a tool to be used and discarded to save the entire galaxy, and then forced to watch a thousand abortions/stillborns happen just so one new Krogan could be made, would you say that Humans would be different if they had been subjected to such a horrible fate? How would you feel if you knew that if you ever wanted to have a child you could go through a 100 stillborns and still not get the child you wanted to hold in your arms? Btw this is not to tell you how to play the game its your story this is only to try and make you see the Krogans history from their point and what the galaxy did to them.

  3. Kali, this is not a slight against you or commentary about you in any way whatsoever so if you read this please understand that.

    But i keep seeing comments about Kali being the only person theyve seen play the series and be this thoughtful about the genophage and the decisions you have to make. And i have to wonder who else you guys are watching? Ive watched quite a few playthroughs and can only think of one person who never questioned the situation and just sided with the Krogan from the first to the last moment.

    Everyone else ive watched (maybe i just pick good channels) even though theyve taken the Krogan and Wrex's side, theyve definitely talked about both potential outcomes and acknowledged it was a difficult situation. Kali maybe spends more time talking it through but you have to remember by now she already knows shes been on the less popular side of the situation, so she is going to spend time explaining and justifying (rightfully so) her position on it. I just dont understand this idea that Kali is like the only one who gives it proper thought. When in reality it's just a matter of most people seeing the eventual genocide and extinction of the Krogan as the unacceptable answer whereas a 2nd Krogan rebellion is not nowhere near the same guarantee as the extinction of the Krogan would be.

  4. For what its worth I had the same logic as you when first playing. It seems like everybody in the "fandom" gets blindsided by liking wrex and cant see the bigger picture. As if ONE krogan can really change a race of billions into model citizens all by himself. It just makes no sense except in fairy tale land.

  5. Woohoo wow i was NOT expecting this, though it is in my ME3 Bingo Card lol … Your doing amazing honey and im sooo excited for the rest of the mission 🙌🎉🎉 Also Happy Belated Birthday!!and Merry Xmas 🎄 Keep on being your own Shepard 🥺🙏

  6. with your answer to the Dalatrass. you just fucked Wrex over once again, not believing he can do what he and eve set out to do …. and btw i think you really overthink the question the Dalatrass gave you 🙂 BUT your process to get to the answers you give is interesting and very refreshing 🙂

  7. I do think there's some misunderstanding or misremembering of some events(such as Wrex's father) but it's a first play-through. There's so much dialogue and backstory between all 3 games almost no one can keep all the facts straight.

  8. I just hope that no matter what choices are made in the next episode people can be understanding and civil about it. There certainly are reasons and arguments for all the choices coming up being valid in the circumstances that the galaxy is in atm.

    Happy Holidays

  9. I'm loving your playthrough, not just because it's so different to everyone else's, but also because you're really putting thought into it, and you make this path make its own sense. Bioware really wrote all of this very well, everyone has a point, every decision is hard precisely because they all make sense.

  10. Belated happy birthday, thank you for sharing another episode of your ME journey. I am so excited to see how you untangle this and how you will deal with it.
    About the weapons… I personally used sniper rifle and SMG, because sniper vs health and armor and smg vs shields and barrier.

  11. I respect your thoughts on the genophage but I wonder if you might be missing the bigger picture. If there is a second Krogan rebellion, as you fear, surely that is a problem for the future and unless the Reapers are stopped there won't be a future. Sabotaging the cure runs the risk of losing Krogan and Turian support for the Crucible and Earth and I can't see Shepard taking that chance. A post Reaper Krogan rebellion would also be opposed by the Human Alliance this time and the Salarians could always threaten them with another genophage. Anyway it's your decision to make and I am looking forward to seeing how things pan out. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  12. I dont see how the krogan asking for colony worlds is any different from other species being granted colony worlds. I don’t think you’re trusting Wrex enough. But we’ll see what you choose. Very different playthrough- interested to see what you do.

  13. Merry Christmas! How dare YouTube show me your episode a whole day later! LOL at 16:00! Some say she's still rolling between the two walls…

    I hope you'll go talk to the asari matriarch bartender at Apollo's Cafe in the Presidium Commons (on the terrace overlooking the lake), it's well worth it, I promise!

    By the way, even if you didn't pick the dog tags, they become available at your Spectre terminal to buy afterwards, just like any other side quest item you may miss during missions. That way you can't really fail side quests that are related to a mission, unless you don't turn them in before progressing the main story.

  14. Yay I caught up! And OMG WHAT A SITUATION TO BE IN!!! As a ME OG and knowing what happens I don’t believe I’ve watched anyone with your situation play out. Definitely can’t wait to see how it does. Team Wrex!!

  15. Enjoying this playthrough, different perspective from the usual. I understand your thought process & glad you're enjoying the game. Continue to go with your gut, after all there is no right or wrong way to play. It's all about having fun.

  16. Was not expecting a video on Christmas popping up. But as I dont have a partner, and therefore alone on christmas, a new episode from your Mass Effect 3 – experience gives me even more joy than usual!

  17. About tuchanka mission, I'm not agree with this I think krogan deserve to cure especially now when they as great full allies would be much better than wounded enemies in time like this all should stick together fight against reapers not betray each other. That what council was did entire all game but we should be better than this not make bigger problems, even rakni got that chance to have some future and what future have krogans left now even dont know if anybody will survive this dont know if krogans will survive war with reapers but have hope for better future is something is worth fighting for im not sure how wrex will feel about he will lose all the hope he having right now .
    We sacrifice batarian system only to delay reapers coming.
    We talk about krogans what they did but look from other side that's the chance to grow be better live together with other races instead of extinction and desperation.
    They had bad things in past but why not let them change just get lies and betrayed every time they want try trust someone. And sooner or later they will find out they was betrayed again.
    We should give them more reasons to trust other races.
    This could be base building new future instead even one day they find cure themselves they won't be peaceful because won't trust anyone.
    Look on us humans how much wars destruction concentration camps and other bad things.
    Why someone should treat us different way seeing our full of blood and destruction history.
    In that case we should be get genofage too i have different point of view because i came from poland that history change your perspective .
    I wouldn't judge them too harshly because if I would be in them shoes I would feel same way as they feel right now, and every time start trusting someone get only betrayal.
    And as javik said war could be go even 200 years and that cure of genofage could make a big difference.
    I'm too honest person and I wouldn't betrayed someone especially good friend .
    I respect you and all but that is my opinion hope I didn't hurt you by that.
    Do not worry is just my point o view im still curious what will happen.

  18. What I love about this game is that it allows in-depth analyses of the backstory and they information leading to player decisions.

    I've spent the last day when not doing Xmas stuff thinking about why the choice you're making are making me uneasy. I'm not criticizing — it all leads to a different story experience, all of which are valid, which is another strength of this series.

    I think my hangup is that I disagree with pretty much all your takes on the krogan. Or at least every choice since destroying Maelon's cure — that choice didn't come with enough backstory to weigh against any outcomes in future games.

    I simply can't get past the belief that the genophage was NOT necessary. In fact, it was a war crime (and not undoing it when the opportunity presents itself is a war crime too, even 1500 years later). Even Mordin has turned around on it, and he was a mighty strident defender in ME2.

    Saying the krogan don't deserve a cure or are not ready for it strikes me as an oppressive move — their entire society is based on surviving the genophage, and it is unclear  how they are supposed to demonstrate they are ready for (or worth of) a cure. Should they speak/act meek and subservient to the races that did this to them?

    It seems the only way to allow them to show they can handle it is to give them a chance. (TBH — no spoilers — I think you are not considering something about krogan society, which I get because it just occurred to me watching this playthrough 🙂 ) You can always put them down again — unless everyone is dead from the reapers.

    Anyway, I'm mostly just thinking out loud. I am enjoying this playthrough, though I do feel for you tying your stomach in knots over this.

    Happy holidays!

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