UFOs, Secret Advance Tech, and UK Government Secrets

UFOs, Secret Advance Tech, and UK Government Secrets

#UFOs #Secret #Advance #Tech #Government #Secrets

“Steve Mera Official”

@SteveMeraOfficial Biological Security Board, Secret Tech & Gov’t Eavesdropping – Has the UK collaborated with NATO on covert telecommunications using undisclosed satellites? Have UK military bases tested the Black Manta in secret flights? What are the consequences of eavesdropping on classified…



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  1. Very interesting, Steve. I liked the personal touch and how the UFO phenomena came to your attention.
    When I lived in N Yorkshire, I knew several people who reported UFO activity at Fylingdales (like Menwith – not far away – also part of the intelligence-sharing arrangements between the US and UK). Coincidence?

  2. I saw what i think was a TR3B very close up in farlington Portsmouth uk about 12 years ago, a large orange light with 2 smaller orange lights underneath slowly rose up out of a pick your own strawberry field just before midnight one friday night, i saw it from the ground floor balcony of my flat while having a cig before bed, it was enveloped by some kind of swirling cone of fog, seemingly produced as a cloaking mechanism, it reached about 30 feet off the ground and the fog instantly dissapeared and it began moving towards me, it floated right over my building, no more than 30 feet off the ground, as it went over the 3 lights morphed into 1 orange rectangular shape, it was really hard to actually work out the size and shape of the thing, it was transluscent in places, that is -you could see the stars through it like the bloody predator !!, but also it was matte black in places, like it was an cloaking effect, it belive it was actully travelling sideways, point up but i cant be sure ,it gave off what looked like cold steam flowing downwards and was almost silent other than a slight hiss, it was so close i could smell it, it smelt mechanical like hot macninery if that makes any sense, i filmed it on an iphone 3gs and you can see the 3 lights in the distance then suddenly its over my building, i leant out over the balcony and you can see the orange rectangle passing over the building and the cold steam coming down, wierdly happened much faster than i remember it happening at the time, I made a report to mufon including the video and stills and a map plotting its path, strangely last time i tried to find my report on mufon and couldnt, and the time before that the report was still there but the video and stills and map were all gone !, IMO the craft seemed to be monitoring what was going on in the houses it was creepily floating just above, portsmouth is a military town, tunnels everywhere linking the dockyard to the forts on the hills so seems like a good place to test this sort of thing i guess, was lots of reports of triangular craft over gosport too at the time.

  3. steve, i was the same as you at the age of 7yrs old, when asked what i would like father christmas to bring me i would say books on UFO,s lol. same for birthdays. here i am at the age of 60 still researching the subject. my dad let me stay up late back then to watch the original War of The Worlds film and i have to admit it frightened me.

  4. Come on Steve, those are space bugs stuck on the satellite lenses…😂
    Anyone: take a simple pair of regular binoculars out on the next clear night, you will be surprised how many more actual Stars you see. Plus, I bet you see some things that aren’t Stars or satellites. I dare you to look!✌🏼🤙🏼

  5. Asking about whether a door opened and how might have been about a test of image projections systems of a device. It possibly wasn't at all what people described. A drone with holographic projector. They wanted to know if it worked from all angles of view.

  6. Hi, Richard d hall has done a good video on the British army being involved in a nato run program that seems to know where the et craft are going to land or even get brought down some how. Something to do with humans being found like the dead cattle. Same kind of injuries.

  7. To protect themselves is to self serve and many choose that path. Where I live we have a lounge; but not really; we have meetings but not really. Not all have a parking space and our rent receipts don't count.

  8. They create their own new premises like for instance housing saying only our receipts count when you know you payed with a money order from Canada Post when evacuation put them behind and not you so you pay double like it or not.

  9. I guess thats when we had the keyword logger ECHELON listening to every telephone call rainbow codes, the computational speed that set up could run at was insanely fast Fascinating story steve thanks for sharing. Satellites steve? Remember 'MISTY' the stealth one didn't take the astronomers long to find her orbital plane did it, Then we have 'the black night but that's a topic we can talk another time yeah just a blanket eh mr jim o no berg ya ex nasa shill.Rob ukhaha now vids finished yep i got collard snooping around IRTON MOOR at Scarborough i thought it was just a radar base WRONG only bloody GCHQ and 911 had happened only a couple years before 😂 English owned USA operates it like most of our bases, talk about it came on top so fast 2 black jeeps blocked me in snatched the keys out of me van so quickly i think it was blackwater security they were yanks they knew my name address etc instantly they didn't ask me they told me ! oh did i get a rough time yep it's no secret i'm on a no fly list so i'm stuck here i could swim i guess hmmm boats is there a no sail list too😂 funny but not clever you learned steve me? Well i guess i just don't comply to authority figures except for folks I respect. RAF MENWITH HILL JESUS thats the most sensitive base (we know of) that you could of picked its got 3 sets of perimeter fences for gods sake . Rob the anarchist enemy of the state. I'm a nice guy really i'm all about morals & family values not out dated laws i'm a parent i got an 8 year old mini me and that changes things, for the better. Stay well all. And NO it's not worth it national security is a big deal you're not me so don't even try to be. Tis kinda fun causing mayhem someone's gotta do it i make me own rules up. Rob uk BLUE.

  10. Brilliant presentation. Are they using National security as a means and excuse to cover up what other things are going on in those places?
    I'm sure like area 51, the use of lethal force would be used.
    It is said that people who can astral project or remote view have difficulty accessing these places as they have their own psychic spies protecting their interests.
    It all seems exciting until the reality dawns that a person is being followed, their information tapped and potentially they could disappear without trace and never be seen again.
    Maybe some of those millions missing got to close to the truth and were silenced.
    Mr.Mera i read in the news today that trident missile tests by the UK have been failing. Perhaps another intervention by outside forces because of potential damage to other dimensions by EMPs. I think it is very irresponsible of the press to release this info and make it common knowledge when we are a target of Russia and may not be able to defend ourselves.
    Anyway i won't lose sleep over all this.
    I just find it all very fascinating.
    Going to that darker side of ufology convention the other day has resparked an interest in ufos and all things paranormal. So thanks again.

  11. Something I've wondered about, Would it even be possible for a small subset of government to know that a superior NHI were interacting with them? I mean, if this contact were only occuring within a Small group, which conclusion would be more reasonable for them to draw: "We are super special people that the aliens have chosen to interact with, and we must carefully guard this secret from the rest of the world and even our own government"….OR…"Uh oh! It appears we've become victims of an isolating psy op, most likely at the hands of an aggressive foreign adversary"…?

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