
Understanding Epididymal Cysts

Understanding Epididymal Cysts

#Understanding #Epididymal #Cysts

“Zero To Finals”

This video contains a visual explanation of epididymal cysts, aimed at helping students of medicine and healthcare professionals …



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  1. Help when I have sex or masturbate and I orgasm no sperm comes out and I feel a lump only when I orgasm then it’s goes away after I climax, it feels like a hard pointy lump I’m not sure if it’s blocked sperm or not, cause sometimes a drop of sperm comes out

  2. The source largest amount of sperms cells are origin from the pig for better health human beings induced pluripotent stem cells system and endocrine system buildings (pituitary gland cells fixing) to other gland recovery time travel quantum teleportation begin now

  3. i found a bulge on top of left testicle like u said its separated from the testis,i think its epididymis cyst but im shy to show it a physicians…idk may be i should go have scan,hope its not serious…but what is the cause of this cyst,does masturbation excessively cause this problem?!

  4. I also i have the same problem, am feeling pain from my right epididymis. And the doctor told me there was a simple cyst mesuring 0.55 by 0.45cm was noted in the epidiymal head and i should not worry about because it happens and it's something usual that normally happens to men. I pray and patiencly wait that will disappear all us and quick recovery.

    It has nothing to do with infertility.

  5. My son 10 y old and i take him to the hospital because his testical is so painful,after that they said the testical is twisted that's why is Pain.and they said if the testical is twisted we have 6 hours to surgery because after 6 Hours the testical is die.
    Ok but the dr is say it is fine because is twisted back to a normal position.
    After we go home next day my son feel a big pain,then we go agen to the Hospital after they say te same but now they do a scan,and they said they see something water ball .
    I asked what's that mean? They said nothing to worry.ok they we going home my son go to school,after 1-2 hours later i have to pick him up.because the pain.
    I take him to hospital agen they wanted to do a surgery, because they said and they said is twisted agent.
    I don't let them to do that before a scan.then i ased to do. Scan before surgery,and they said now is normal position,they i asked did you see the water ball like last time?tehy said yes ok then what's that because last time don't let me know what's is that.
    They said it is a cyst.😮
    I'm feeling upset.
    After i take my son to another country for a private Dr ,and they said the testical if twisted is stay like that and is not twisted and torn back every time .they pain because of the cyst.
    Im glad to go another Country.frome the UK .so they just need to take out the cyst not something else.hmm

  6. I fell off from a tree last 3 weeks ago and developed my own. Really, I'm still undergoing depression. I'm trying not to worry of it and my own increases. I don't have choice than to remain calm. I'm always thinking of surgery but I heard that removing it through surgery might result to infertility if care isn't taken. This Spermatocele of a thing, I'm very sick of it. I stopped watching porn and also stopped having sex as this happened because sperms stores inside the cyst called Spermatocele, I don't want it to get bigger because it increases in size rapidly. This health issue changed my mentality. I'm trying not to get worried.

  7. Thanks for this video i have a large spermatocele on my left testical it grows when i drink and smoke but when i dont it gets smaller ive had myn for years and felt it grow and it is uncomfortable but it will grow if you have a bad diet.

  8. This is my report
    Right Testis measures 39 x 20 mm.
    On Colour Doppler blood flow is seen.
    On Duplex Scanning:
    Vmax measures: 17 cm/sec
    Vmin measures: 5.7 cm/sec
    Resistive Index: 0.66
    — (Normal upto 0.70).
    Left Testis measures 36 x 18 mm.
    On Colour Doppler blood flow is seen.
    On Duplex Scanning:
    Vmax measures: 10.1 cm/sec
    Testicular USG
    Vmin measures: 4.8 cm/sec
    Resistive Index: 0.51 (Normal upto 0.70).

    Date: 29-Mar-23 10
    Both testes are normal in size, shape and outlines. No focal cystic or solid defect is seen.
    No hydrocele. No epididymal cyst or mass visualized.
    No evidence of varicocele on either side (Diameter Rt: 1.6 mm, Lt: 1.8 mm). No evidence of increase in vein
    diameter or reflux on valsalva.
    Complimentary abdominal sonography was normal.
    CONCLUSION: Normal Scan.

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