
Unforgivable Trespass, Unrelenting Wrath: Ashraf’s

Unforgivable Trespass, Unrelenting Wrath: Ashraf’s Crusade to Dismantle Her Husband Legacy of Deceit

#Unforgivable #Trespass #Unrelenting #Wrath #Ashrafs


# Maternal Revenge: Conflict Between an Unfaithful Husband and Ashraf’s Nomadic Family

At the heart of this gripping tale is Ashraf, a complex and defiant nomadic matriarch driven by a burning desire for retribution. Betrayed by her unfaithful husband, Ashraf embarks on a transformative journey…



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    А оказывается что это всё не правда и сейчас они показывают свою реальную жизнь,муж хороший и шестеро детей. В мире и согласии живут. Так что не надо деньги присылать.

  3. Mr. cameraman advises this woman to get a divorce and sue him. He will never stop bothering her. He is a parasite that only seeks to live off of her, just like the leech she married. Please help her, Mr. cameraman.

  4. Оператор, найди человека который будет помогать в стройке, не ужели у тебя нет совести, смотришь на детей, сердце кровью обливается, ведь они еще малые такую тяжесть поднимать, отдал бы старшему, внутри камеру, а сам был помог Афрешь, сидишь только лайки собираешь, по бойся бога! 😭😭😭😭😭

  5. The boys work just as hard as mom but they are children I think mom and boys need a break, !ike so swimming or go get ice cream or something fun 😂there are not a lot of opportunities in Iran mostly! living in mountain master builder. Goat herding , driving trucks, or planting vegetables or wheat. All of these boys know how to build and being master builder will bring them money for themselves or the wife's and children later on that's why they need to learn from mom 😮😊😊😊😊❤❤

  6. Si alguien no aconseja a esta señora como el camarógrafo o alguien esta señora es capaz de dar el cheque al marido si él le dice Dame el cheque y te quedas con los niños ella se lo da corriendo él sabe cómo manejarla ella no piensa sensatamente sí así como trabaja sí así como trabaja pensará no pues todo le iría mejor

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  10. бедные дети , томятся в этих свитерах, ведь жара такая , неужели нет возможности, купить всем по пара штук футболок , ведь утомляет тёплая вещь в жару

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  13. Ashraf you are very hard working woman your sons are suffering very badly they don't get freedom and independent life they are working very badly with you please stop and call the police and put him in jail god bless you you and your sons 🙏 ❤️ 💙

  14. Мамочка Я Сегодня спкойно сматрела ваша видë потому что этот противни сушиство сегодня не пришоль Я очен рада! Мама хоть немножчко одихайте на улице жарко. берегитесебя и детей тоже! Мы вас любим❤пр. из. России❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹👍

  15. This woman is a better builder and exceeds most men. Look at the corners of her house. She has really bcome a pro. The only problem madam you have to divorce your cruel husband. He is dragging you down. He will again bring his wife and claim this house. If you dont know how to go about the divorce ask the engineer to help you or Hammid your brother that is if you want peace. You can akso ask fir your dowry to keep him shut.

  16. Дорогие дети знайте цену вашей мамы ,она все делает для того чтоб далнейшем вам жилось хорошо ,а отец досехпор незнает что хочет , только ламать умеет ,лучше неимет такого отца

  17. Живут бедно, а вещи не берегут совсем, дети портят блоки, пачкают одежду, мучают кролика и так далее. Такого в нормальных семьях не бывает. Сплошной обман.

  18. Не получается у вас заинтересовать зрителя, когда одно нытье и сопли, смотреть противно. А, если ещё Аят её разведёт на деньги или каким нибудь образом украдёт, то это вообще беде позор – ВАШ.

  19. Молодец женщина, для своих сыновей старается , дай бог ей здоровья, и сыновья молодцы маме помагают.А мужа надо посадить он вам спокойную жизнь не даст.

  20. I went back again to watch the older videos. This boy Arman was as abnoxious as he is now. Spitting into his mother's face. Slapping her. Pushing her. He got used to watching his father abuse her. He does the same his own way. Yesterday. He gave all the details the father wanted. How much the house was sold for cash or cheque and to whom. To whose name this house is registered. The father can take him instead and sell him for money. Nomads do that. Only this evil boy could not give his father the name and tel number of the buyer.Reward a piece of watermelon.This snake she feeds and cuddles is going to kill her one day. Her fault bringing him up To be disrespectful. The girly boy cannot be trusted either. Mohammed is only doing what he does because his name is registered on the house. Which is better. At least he has some loyalty towards his mother. It will be hard for the father to steal his sons house. Or can he? She cannot call her brother for help anymore for as long as she is married to him. He will be accused of immoral relationship behind the husbands back. The engineer is a self respecting educated man. Doing what he does for heavenly rewards. It is clear he wont be used by people like for petty works. Personal problems must be solved by herself. Divorce and demand her dowry. If he pays. He gets the children. If he can't he gets visiting rights. Police won't help women. Lawyers cost billions in their money. If she can't pay them.. She goes to prison. The 2 boys may not go with the father. The snake Arman will. She is stuck!! Today a peaceful day. Tomorrow the creep will come with some complaint against her to take the children. They can be sold for money.

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