
Vtubers Reaction to Max0r | Monster Hunter: World

Vtubers Reaction to Max0r | Monster Hunter: World “Review”

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“The Legit Weebs”

Monster Hunter: World “Review” | Extinction™️ | Colonialism™️ by Max0r

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  1. Starting at 22:22 Personally, and it seems a lot of people think so too, World spent too much on story. 4U's "story" worked great cuz you were in a traveling caravan that needed monsters cleared out of the way and to help out other people. You also had an overarching quest about being attacked by gore magala and trying to understand what it is until it becomes a serious possibly world altering threat.

    Basically, monster hunter can definitely use some more story but only so far as in just a reason for hunting whatever particular target.

  2. I Started with 4U and I loved that instead of worlds training area with a punching bag and barrels, you had an arena mission against it's equivalent to great jagras where it gave you a check list in the corner of techniques and combos to kill the monster. The control/combo list wasn't as in depth as worlds but it had you put the weapon in practice against an actual monster that could kill you so you could really figure out what'll suit ya best. Most melee weapons were initially fun to me except lance and s&s. Did not care for the ranged ones but ended up really clicking with dual blades and have been a pure dual blade main ever since bc it really fits my playstyle!…..

    And cuz its already so much grind to make all the different elemental blades that I don't have the care or patience to build other weapons


  3. Just wanted to inform you good sir that the rotten vale is the length of the biggest snake elder dragon in the monster hunter series called dalama dur if you looked up you can see it's bones are everywhere even it's meteors can be found in the odogorons lair

  4. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate was the first game to put much more of a focus on the story. Even to the point that the characters from 4U have sort of become the main characters of the series. As they keep coming back in other games, and they even have a netflix show about their backstory. The Excitable A Lister in World was a character from 4U called the ace cadet. (His real name is Aiden) And from the trailers for Monster Hunter Wilds it appears that even more 4U characters will be making a return.

  5. Long Shelling Gunlance is my favorite weapon for 2 reasons.

    1: The only damage perk you need is Artillery, anything else is unnecessary. (Focus reduces charge time so it’s very nice, but still not necessary)

    2: Explosive Damage ignores weak spot rules. I don’t care that Teostra’s legs aren’t a weak spot, I can trip him with my shells so I’m going to… and it’s optimal.

  6. The one exception to the “I love that monster” rule of slaying is Dodogama. I actively avoid hunting him and if people I’m playing with hunt him, I make sure to capture instead of kill.

  7. Monster Hunter "Lore" is odd cause there is things hinting to older civilizations but honestly they aren't that important since well, all you do is hunt monsters which are animals that don't really matter to them.

    Though if your interested, after Iceborne or now if you don't care for spoilers, watch a lore video on Fatalis by Team Darkside since he is one of the "important" monsters.

    Also sad thing about the Zorah fight, apparently they took a whole year just to get him to work, only for every player to say "He is the worst part of the game."

  8. Fast food build he describes is a real support build: You do "speed eating" to down potions fast so monsters can't interrupt it by slapping you, "wide-range" to spread potion effects to every player nearby and "free meal" so potions aren't consumed sometimes.

  9. Daren Mohran was basically a giant mountain sand whale that you harpooned and chased around like Moby dick.
    You traveled on a sand boat and had to fight him whilst going 80 mph.
    This was an incredible experience and I always loved hunting him both alone and with friends.

    One stayed on the boat shooting cannon balls, harpoons and explosives. Whilst the others got on his back and ripped into his back, skull and horn. You could also take this time to mine ore off his body.

  10. The best ability in the game, to me, was the Gogmazios set one: ARCANA
    An ability that basically went "your weapon doesn't have elemental damage? Not for long! Wait… it already had?… want more?"
    Basically it added elemental damage to any weapon and increased the elemental damage of weapons that already had some (it also worked with status abilities). It was devastating… plus the armor (and the dragon) were cool AF.

  11. 24:36 The big boy fights in God of War and God of War Ragnarok fit the bill for me (specifically Hraezlyr, Nidhogg and Garm). Yeah they are a bit gimmicky, but they're designed in such a way that you engage with the gimmick to to some chunks of damage, then go in to shred through their HP with regular combat, then repeat the process, usually with some variety thrown in. All of that combines really nicely with the spectacle, and they don't overstay their welcome, I think understanding that as a gimmick fight against something too big to fight properly, they should be visually stunning, fairly easy, and pretty short.

  12. 21:05 In case you didn't know, yes, this is real. Three members of the Aussie military were sent in to cull a population of 20,00 emus with machine guns, since the emus were causing massive problems agriculturally. After two failed attempts, and less than 1,000 confirmed emu kills, it was decided that the war was ineffective and horrendously uneconomic, and was replaced by a bounty system. Result: Technically, according to the rules of engagement, Australia, specifically Western Australia, lost a war to flightless birds.

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