
Warning Economic Collapse Coming? with David

Warning ⚠️ Economic Collapse Coming? with David Rosenberg

#Warning #Economic #Collapse #Coming #David

“Sachs Realty”

U.S. economy signals a financial reset on the horizon. David’s Links Rosenberg Research: David’s …



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  1. That is like saying, "MY savings account, which social security was forced on me as a savings account, is an entitlement! That is LIES! Your savings that you put your money into by FORCE IS NOT AN ENTITLEMENT! YOU are a THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The scam is to make sure most Americans develop dementia by early 70s so when they raise the qualifying age to 70, the SS goes right back into the system in the form of rent in state owned nursing homes

  3. What a moron social security is not an entitlement it was stolen from me and not given back in full. My social security should be 10 times what it is based on inflation the last 40 years.

  4. Privatize social security?!?! Why so the average blue collar worker can loose it and be penny less and have to work till his death?! How about one less aircraft carrier?! One less war this year?!? I knew this guy was nuts when he was praising bush…

  5. I am just wondering if he is brushing over euro not being a major threat because these countries were considered friendlies at the time. Can we say the same for the BRICs at this moment?

  6. Though he admits he was surprised at how highly regarded his qualifications as an economist were when he was promoted, given his lack of understanding in economics, I'd like to give him the benefit of doubt that he has at least a basic understanding of personal economics. With that said, he must understand that, like a savings account, programs individuals pay into for their's and their families own future financial security CAN NOT be considered entitlements when you withdraw from them. Only when the program pays out to unqualified, noncontributing, nonfamily applicants, based on subverted decisions by program managers, can it then resemble entitlement. The question must then become, if anyone supporting the characterization of the program as being an entitlement, "Are they obfuscating to support the mismanagement of the program? ", Or , "Are they even qualified to characterize the program? " 🤔

  7. Of course S.S. IS AN ENTITLEMENT!

  8. Its not a entitlement when you paid into for 47yrs like I have. Tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations is entitlement. Furthermore when you file your taxes @ the beginning of the year and get sums of money back is a entitlement. People with so called brains and huge wealth ought to quit feeding a line of BS, too the hard working class that pay your entitlement!!!

  9. One of the most educated researchers around. He speaks facts and in most cases people don't like that. Being balanced in any approach is key to success. Strong risk management always outweighs blind positivism

  10. Lets go TRUMP,we haven't been needing a strong leader since Reagan,Trump is the closest thing, anti Americans have said the same crazy stuff about Reagan that they are saying about Trump

  11. No Social Benefits, and/or Medicare for Illegal aliens and/or noncitizens. No more money to countries for war and killing people. Eliminate the income ceiling for taxing income (for social security). All federal employees do not get a pay raise of more than 2% a year. Congressmen and Senators get a pay reduction by 10% a year until they properly balance the Social Security and Medicare systems. And if that doesn't put our Social Security System in good shape, reduce Social Security COLAs by 50% per year for the next 10 years. So as an example, if the annual SS COLA is 10% pay out 5% cola

  12. Didn’t Merrill Lynch get sued by Susie Orman for losing a bunch of money? Didn’t Merrill Lynch virtually go bankrupt before they got bailed out before the Gfc?

  13. As a new teacher in the 90S I bought my first house no issue, paid 75$ a paycheck in healthcare, and was still able to give my students materials who could not afford them for the year. Now I can barely afford an air conditioner going out. But seriously I do not hear about the cheaters bad private equity or hedge funds gobbling up every asset in sight, the 1% doing a darn thing to change but rather the poor, disabled, and aged suffer the most. What about the 8 Trillion Trump gave out? I knew I would pay dearly for that 800 bucks. There is no trickle down economics. Trump will use the office as his own private piggy bank. How is paying 30-50 years in social security tax candy???

  14. @44:23 buddy has a western mindset. The US dollar regime won’t last forever. The dollar is declining against a multipolar world order. More than 10 currencies versus the Dollar.

  15. And yet they cannot name a policy that causes the economy to collapse. Nor can they name a policy that trump will implement that will stop the economy from collapsing. Because trump has no plan. More than likely this economy collapsed is caused by trump

  16. Ahh News Flash Sheeple 🐏 Close the border and ship all illegals back instead of funding 15 Million people that are looking for lifetime handouts . Leave SS alone if you want this country to survive "

  17. Nobody knew what Putin was about to do. Since day 1 of Ukraine war, everything changed. Like we are blind. Can't blame any investor. Crazy bad luck started with the Russia-Ukraine war and the economic ban against Russia. Wake up.

  18. He is right, people will flock to the US Dollar. That's why the other currencies are so weak against the US Dollar. We are in it right now. He's just wrong thinking it's coming.

  19. I’m entitled to the taxes/ money that I set aside and received-3% return on my investment. Privatization of pension like Chilean systems. It is your money & when you die the government keeps it. Cut benefits, no electric carts for fat people. I already pay large extra because of my wealth. I retired at 75. Required to keep paying in. I get Hugh benefit $10/month for one pill a day. I have to pay for my good food & exercise costs. No deduction ! Allow true competition for all medical procedures, drugs from any place. Break monopoly of American pharmaceutical industry

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