
We’re At TIPPING POINT! Love Or Perish. We Get To Decide

We’re At TIPPING POINT! Love Or Perish. We Get To Decide By Doing This…

#TIPPING #POINT #Love #Perish #Decide

“Guy Lawrence”

Rev. Bill McDonald | Episode 292

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  1. Rev. Bill's message reminds me very much of Bruce Lipton and Joe Dispenza, except that his seminars are free, bless his heart! I am definitely looking for more from him and would love to learn some of his techniques!

  2. Discover and Understand the DIFFERENCE between the human species, and "LIFE The Real Self", ( AWARENESS )…

    "LIFE The Real Self" is Non-Dimensional, and in NO WAY represents nor even remotely looks anything like any species, including the human species ! The human species is just part of a "STORY", a little like that of "1st Person Gaming Software" involving "Virtual Reality" displayed in a very, very small Display Register, of "The Processing System of LIFE", while "LIFE The Real Self", ( NOT the human entity ) being Non-Dimensional, Resides Outside the Display Register…

  3. IF you LOVE the human species, you are already Dead ! If you LOVE "LIFE The Real Self", an Offspring and Child of "The LIGHT",

    "The LIFE of GOD" you "LIFE The Real Self" ( NOT the human entity ) have Eternal LIFE !

    Here is What Jesus had to say about the human species; In "The Gospel [ ACCORDING TO ] John", in chapter 8, verses 43 to 46, Quote; 43. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word…. 44. Ye are of your father the DEVIL, and the lusts of your father ye will do… He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it… 45. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not… 46. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? End Quote…

  4. Beautiful description of the Law of Mirrors.
    Ie As Above So Below.
    As Within So Without.
    If you feel and experience only Love in your Heart, the Whole World can't do anything but follow your lead.
    For You Are the Universe.
    There Is only one Being here apparently being all of Us.

  5. Thank you Bill for your affirming message. I carry the same message that you have expressed that Love is central to our relationship with each other and with the Divine energy frequency. In my meditation yesterday I remembered the Bible verse which says β€œseek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you” . Your words have resonated with what I have received and know. Much gratitude. ❀

  6. I learnt it took 8 people to change the evolution of consciousness when Jesus first walked the earth. The Jesus soul and Mary Magdalene soul (divine counterparts) are incarnate on earth right now but don’t know of their past lives yet, Jesus soul will be in the first wave of the great awakening, Mary will awaken later and they shall meet again and the ripple of love sent out will change the world again. There is a third soul connected to Jesus and Mary and will incarnate from the source where souls are born (not reincarnated), this will be the first new soul ever born on earth and there after where all new souls will come from, this will end our karmic cycle as the new souls have no karmic debt, these children will be a pleasure to be around. Love is gonna sweep across the face of this planet and cleanse everything and everyone. The light from earth with be seen across the universe. Blessings be upon us all.

  7. I used to have zero interest in the news and politics. Cannot even understand the concept of war or why anyone would be mean to another person. I tried to change myself to be more interested in all those things. Turns out, it was right all along to ignore those things. πŸ˜…

  8. So the "elites" new mandate is: believe in our new agey narrative for a new world spiritual illuminati religion of unity and peace enforced by a.i. or we will just destroy everything with war and Greens policies.

  9. I believe the message here is we all have a part and everybody does it the way they are lead but it all serves a purpose and changes the world. There is no ego here just a loving heart and a need to serve. Just love!

  10. There is a need for a reality check of the problems that the Jasmine flower is sweetly trying to hide. Without providing an accurate account, we fail as sensors for both Mother Earth and the greater Universe.

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