
What is “The Repair Act” & Why I Don’t Think It Should

What is “The Repair Act” & Why I Don’t Think It Should Pass

#Repair #Act #Dont

“Cooper Bogetti”

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  1. As a diesel mechanic light and medium duty. I'd definitely love more affordable more universal and clear tech access. I don't think it would add to much cost to a over all price if left manageable. I do agree big gov should stop messing about. However, manufacturers have made it incredibly expensive to see their hidden issues, much less to repair said issues. I do feel like manufacturers will get the hint if they try and offset this cost to much in an overall price that less and less cars are going to be In demand and be somewhat forced to make them more affordable. But cars and trucks do seem to be getting more and more expensive as living expensive rise aswell.

  2. If it dont go into place its going get worse …a lot buy used which need repairs and maintance especially trying to push electric cars i think your looking at a little wrong but everyone has their own opinions

  3. We already have right to repair anything we own. I do think we should be able to buy any needed parts but I don’t expect the companies to provide us with schematics etc. They should have to allow aftermarket parts as long as compatible just like should already be covered by the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act.

  4. When we all figure out that when we are not acting in a commercial capacity and our vehicles are not commercial, we will finally figure out that the legal system does not apply. The epa has no leg in consumer contracts and that is exactly what the bank and brokers work together to convert to securities. And they do it in a way to achieve plausible deniability. Better start learning the rules to the game you play!!!

  5. This Bill was aimed more at Tractor Manufacturers. I am not talking about damn little Lawn Mower tractors. I am talking about the $250K- $ 1 million+ Farm Tractors. Also, This ESPECIALLY applies to Electronics. Think Phones, TVs, Washers and Dryers. Consumer Products is what it is about. You should be able to work and FIX your own shit if you are capable! Just like you said… Granted not everyone can or will do this. This Bill helps small repair shops and individuals like me. Automotive, Farming, Electronics, anything you buy. You should be able to order repair parts! This is how ridiculous this gets. My 1995 Amana Digital Washer and Dryer combo. I used to build circuit boards for 16 years, so I knew what the replacement parts should cost. I had a small relay the size of a couple of Legos. The first time I called around, The Appliance repair shops would ONLY SELL me a $350 circuit board. I troubleshot it to the relay. Only one appliance repair shop would sell me just the relay, for the cheap price of $50. I bought three and had them delivered two-day shipping for?….. Get this….. Are you ready? Less than $15!!! 80% of that cost was the shipping! The relays themselves were only a total of about $3.50! The shipping was triple what the relays actually cost. Also, The Bill allows people access to BOMs (Bill of Material), Schematics, and repair manuals! How much do you spend on the manuals for your newer vehicles? You used to be able to go to the library and check out the repair manuals. Can you do that now? Yeah, I didn't think so! Can you find a manual on how to repair YOUR washer and dryer? You're going to spend a couple hundred to have someone come and LOOK at them. Then they charge the shit out of you for replacing parts that could cost you only a few dollars, Then they charge the hell out of you for labor at $100/hr! My mom's Fisher & Paykel Dryer started squeaking and making all kinds of not-good noises. She was quoted $150 for the tech to come and Look at it and diagnose the problem. Then add on prices of the parts and $150 hr labor because it was not a popular brand like Maytag. I bought a bearing repair kit for $70, and it took me about 8 hours to disassemble, replace, and assemble the dryer. Because I had no access to repair manuals. Plus this was a top loader that spun like a front loader!! Well that will last her another 25 years and she is 85!!!!

  6. Hmmm… this sounds like it is more towards the "e car" crowd. Really reminds me of the problems "uncle chet" was dealing with trying to get his tesla "submarine" mobile serviced.

  7. “Fair reasonable cost” coming from the govt and the manufacturer that enforced and supplied $60k basic ass cars these days. Back in the day a 1/2” drive 12mm 12 pt honda head socket was $130 now its $20.

    The manufacturers have denied warranty on engines because of non use of a manufacturers oil filter and oil so that part of it would be a nice help because some companies oil/fuel filters are stupid expensive vs the same brand that supplied them to the manufacturers

  8. We also have issues with imports cars from another country, and new rules also around modified 4×4 and V8 engine cars just gone bullshit 🦘🇭🇲

  9. Kudos to lawmakers trying to get in front of a perceived threat. At its heart the bill feels more like it's function is to give automakers a heads up that they won't get away with 'bricking' cars they sell. Certainly the more a car relies on electronics, the more opportunities manufacturers will have to abuse what they would intentionally build into new car's systems. All that said, it feels a bit paranoid and premature, seeing as how it's unpredictable what angles manufacturers might use to intentionally 'brick' their own products.

  10. Have you ever gone to a parts store and tried to get a part and been told that’s a dealer only part? And go to the dealer and the part has some outrageous price on it?

  11. Im one minute in as im writing this and already just want to say this is yet another video that feels very much like when Jeremy from fasterproms went off the rails. It started very similarly.

  12. I did a recent podcast on my channel (i know very original lol) with my friend who was a founder of a very successful tech start up. And he was saying how in the tech world they are experiencing the same issue with right to repair. Not being able to open computers and phones, not selling specialty tools, and pretty much bricking it if you do it. I kinda sit on the middle of it i hate more regulation, especially when it comes from governing bodies who have no expertises on any of it. But i also cant trust companies anymore after recent. its seems like they will work with each other against us, instead if working against each other for us. Its going to he interesting to see how all of this plays out. Great video!

  13. In a free and fair market. If a manufacturer produces cars that are difficult to maintain. We would purchase vehicles that were easy to maintain. And the problem would sort itself out. And if we had a free and fair press. They would educate us. Unfortunately none of those things exist in this country

  14. Commenting to remind myself to come back after reading the bill and to increase viewer interaction for the almighty youtube algorithm.
    However, at first look it sounds like this is at worst an effort to keep things where they're at, to prevent OEMs from further locking out the owner and smaller mechanic shops from effecting repairs on vehicles. It sounds like the bill is laying out in not so unclear terms what the manufacturers can and cannot do and "shall" and "shall not" do, thus giving the consumer an avenue of reprise if the manufacturer doesn't comply with the bill if it gets passed.

    I will read the bill myself and comment again if/when my view and understanding changes.

  15. I see your point but "all regulations bad" is not the answer. The regulations and tariffs that screwed us from getting the good cars or the good cars cheap was created by the big 3 to kill competition.

  16. Govern me harder daddy is never the answer. Want to fix iphone and john deere issues? Stop buying them!! Government involved in anything is never good. Government raises your kids in public schools=garbage, government tells you what to put in your body from shots, to scripts = its all garbage and only benefits the government. Next up yall be begging government to watch everyones bank accounts harder to stop this or that. Hell government privacy laws, yea thats great!! Lets let them in our phones, in our computers and most electronics that are connected to the internet. Because you know, the patriot act. Government regulates your taxes and takes half of your pay check then taxes the money that gets deposited in youre account when you spend it= Garbage!! Get them out of our lives, some of us have brains and dont need any regulation at all. Vote on everytjing in your life with your wallet, if you are mechanically inclined, dont buy shit you cant work on. That will weed out the garbage for the most part.

  17. Coop. I fear you are getting caught up in semantics and what the bill "doesn't say". I encourage you to watch Louis Rossmans videos about right to repair laws, or lack there of, pertaining to electronics. Without a right to repair bill, a manufacturer can tell it's suppliers "you want to make parts for our cars? Fine, but you can only sell the parts to whom we deem as Authorized Repair places and you can't sell direct to public anymore." This is why it's literally impossible to get your iPhone or MacBook repaired at any electronics repair place of your choosing and are forced to go to the Apple store. Mom and pop places can't even order the parts to repair your device any longer. Think about that for a while.

  18. "We" need to stop producing new vehicles and just rebuild the clunkers. We need to stop giving "them" our hard earned money and boycott all the bs.

    You dont need a brand new vehicle.
    Plus they arent really lasting anyway.

    Keep wrenching friends 🤘🏼

  19. my friends family bought a new swather, ran it for like 5-6 years. GPS in it went out. They cant fix it because of the software lockouts. The GPS is now obsolete, so the manufacturer wants them to spend an absurd amount of money to upgrade the whole GPS system to current technology. Farmers have been taking it in the shorts by the ag industry.

  20. Overall, this is a great thing for the average consumer and that should always be #1, based on the US constitution. Not to mention the non dealer repair vendor industry.

  21. It's definitely something I haven't thought about. It is definitely something to consider that many of these regulations biggest problems are more about what they leave out, then what's in them. For example consider what they did with the "Clean Air Act" that started us on the trajectory we're currently on in the automotive performance industry. It was all of the sudden "Reinterpreted" by the Government and weaponized against us. It's good to stay skeptical, because we could very well be playing into the hands of the very companies we think we're finally getting ahead of. We don't have to agree, but we should all realize that this could absolutely be detrimental to all of us

  22. Respectable view on this. I’ll have to submit my word on being against the bill. A good thing to do would be to tell people how they could contact their representative and say no to this bill.

  23. So then you think the car companies should be like Apple and make parts that are not replaceable by someone other than Apple …Basically killing all autoparts stores and mom and pop garages …Making all cars serviceable only at the dealership ….

  24. @CooperBogetti if you truly believe right to repair is a bad thing you sir are an idiot! Because without right to repair your race car is gone everthing anyone modifies in any manner is gone no longer allowed and modified can be as simple as changing the size tire on your vehicle or atv. If right to repair isnt passed you are actually allowing more government regulation to take over you life and you loose all choice on the things you say you like to do.

  25. To me the cyber security thing kinda targeted chrysler vehicles. On 18 and newer vehicles you have to pay for a subscription to be able to get through the data wall

  26. They're trying to make it legal of what they're doing now. Where they're paying insurance companies to up your insurance. If you're a reckless driver and things of that nature.

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