
Why Bad Games Failing means Gaming is Healing

Why Bad Games Failing means Gaming is Healing

#Bad #Games #Failing #means #Gaming #Healing


This video covers how the failure of games like Concord, Star Wars Outlaws and Skull and Bones is a wake up call that leads to …



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  1. Had to re-render and upload this three times because it kept getting claimed from different things, and in that madness a couple editing errors slipped by. Most importantly: I do not use the OST From Rogue Prince of Persia, contrary to the on-screen note. Also, like and subscribe. If there's any factual mistakes in the vid, let me know and I'll add them to this comment. Much love, enjoy games!

    CORRECTION: Chris Avellone did not work on Pentiment, mixed him up with Josh Sawyer, who was Director of New Vegas, both Pillars of Eternity, and Pentiment. Right position, wrong name.

  2. My complaint with Boulders Gate 3 isnt with the game but with the journalists who reviewed it. It has tons of sexual themes, outfits and bear sex scenes and got tons of praise but if another game, especially Japanese or Korean does it then it's wrong and immoral. The blatant hypocrisy legitimately angered me so much

  3. When it comes to art, a customer can tell you they don't like it, but you can't trust them to tell you why. Take the WoW's rested system. Players hated it until Blizzard flipped it from a XP penalty system to an XP bonus system. The end result was completely the same, but customer experience was completely different. Just saying that your piece about players telling game developers how to balance their game is a bit of a reach. They can say they're not having fun, but they'd also get bored if they felt forced to use OP gun 101 or not even get a chance to shoot shit.

  4. This has only been a battle. The war has yet to be won. There are very wealthy powers backing and pushing this agenda (checkboxes over substance). Look at the movie/TV industry…many woke shows have failed, costing these companies billions, yet they still keep pumping them out. Disney is a prime example. I think the gaming industry will be no exception, though I hope I'm wrong.

  5. Its actually very self explinatory.

    Back in college I got a chance to intern at 20th century Fox.

    They had several movies ready to go for the summer but only 2 of them would get backing to head into theatres while the rest would be "made for tv".

    I got to see each movie, had food and drinks catered and when it was done my supervisor asked me what ones would I go see. One was a very good animated film and the other a decent action movie. I said those two would work and get my demographic to sit and watch a good film. The otheres were okay and one of them was actually pretty bad.

    Then the actual screen testers came out. Most of these people were friends and families of executives, writers and hollywood influencers that worked for magazines.

    The movies I didnt personally like got greenlit and the otheres were thrown into B movie tier.

    I suspect a lot of these pitches work the same exact way. The actual consumer gets no say…its the friends of those fiancing the game, ceos and other "influencers" that call the shots.

  6. Trash talk platform you have actually makes perfect sense – I'm a customer and I'm disappointed with service provided to me, so I'm pointing out what is wrong with my experience on said platform.

  7. Honestly, I think the people in charge are too proud and/or narcissistic to admit that there's no such thing as a "modern audience" and that you can change the consumer's minds. They'd rather double, triple or even quadruple-down and have studios close down and people lose their jobs rather than admit they were wrong.

  8. I believe when a team is making a game there needs to be someone (preferably mutliple people) in high enough positions whose favourite game is the game they're making. I doubt any higher ups ever got into a Concord match or had friendly office competitions of who could do X the best.

  9. 40:36 Ah the old adage: "A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit" But unlike building society, a great gaming society can exist while we're all still alive and the hobby burns brightly within each of us. We will all be here when the post-woke era really kicks off: we will all have kids and can finally play games together. Nobody will ever remember Spiderman 2. But they will remember that pokemon game with guns.

  10. The people who think that Concord failed because of culture wars are just blind. Seriously, every other hero shooter is extremely diverse, Overwatch have character with every ethnicity no one cared, it had gay characters, fat characters even robots and animals. So why didn't the culture war destroy Overwatch? Same thing goes many other successful games.
    Being diverse doesn't mean make the most unappealing character designs in any video game. Apparently Sony didn't get the memo, black, overweight, gay or whatever characters can also be cool too with cool designs.

  11. I can see one way where the big companies take back control. They need to seek out the best devs and make them an offer they can’t refuse. Offer double or triple the typical dev salary plus profit sharing. And give them complete creative control with no meddling and no DEI. Let’s be real there’s no way any of those things are going to happen. And that’s why there is no hope for companies like Ubisoft.

  12. This really is how I feel too. The money has to be hurt to fix the current problem. But it's gonna take time for the industry to adjust.

    But pushing tech boundaries is untenable and understandly alluring. But graphics really have hit an apex that graphics work as a sort of compensatory benefit for games when they might be lacking in other ways.

    Some big studios need to collapse, shrink or change. There's too many of them and less srand outs.

    It needs to be less attractive to make a game where the risk is more stable. Not so diverse that all studios get ruined as indies, and not so expensive that the triple A market need to mt to even exist

  13. "The customer is always right, when it comes to matters of taste."
    AAA has forgotten this, when they attack gamers for criticizing their offerings, as if their customers have some NERVE to reject what they feel like making.

  14. The DEI shit definitely plays a major role, don't downplay it.
    Not only because it turns away customers, but also, and probably more importantly, when a development team makes creative decisions in the game and staffing decisions based on DEI, they are focused more on that bs than making an actual good product and hiring the necessary people to make a great product.
    So there's really three elements there where it hurts the integrity or success of the game.

  15. The customer rarely is right (I mean, the motto borned and died in the 70s), but one of those cases are video games, where the consumers have so many options that we just do not buy a game that we don't like without any setback
    Companies need to understand that a game has to be attractive in the premise, gameplay and appearance. And even having the 3 you need to be unique or at least accessible.

    Everything else can be a +1 or an incidental / inconsequential thing.

    So, you can have a game with lots of representation, but if the above fails, your game will fail

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