
Why Cardano Will Peak with Crypto in 2025 and CBDCs

Why Cardano Will Peak with Crypto in 2025 and CBDCs

#Cardano #Peak #Crypto #CBDCs

“Crypto Crow”

The World is transitioning towards CBDC’s, all at the same time, as if directed by a central organization to do so. Our 2025 tax …



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  1. CROW! I gatta tell you man. I feel like I'm on your same mindset right now. The American dream has been turn3d back into a dream instead of a actual reality for most. The world has our minds so flustered we can't think straight. And the stress/pressure of America specifically the gov. Has put on its own people is gross to say the least. Keep pushing and keep being you. We appreciate you crowπŸ’ͺ your all I watch for crypto now.

  2. My guy, Ive felt similarly to what you are trying to describe since probably 2010. There is no "place" that will make your life better, unless you move out to a community with a different economy / social mindset. There are places with different levels of variation to the capitalistic system, but what Ive learned is that it will take a big event or catastrophe to happen to me before a fuse actually blows and forces me to actually make the move. In the mean time I'm in auto-pilot mode. Its sad and hard to fight through

  3. Hey crow I’m sorry you feel this way!

    I feel this way too brother.

    I’m sick of it all.

    I’m just a normal guy too working for my family and investing in Cardano because I truly believe in the vision of security decentralization.. etc

    Just keep working hard and don’t worry about the BS

  4. I never comment on your posts. I've been a follower and supporter of your channel since 2017. This is the realist video I've seen you make. I appreciate you and everything you've done for the community. Keep your head up Crow, all of your supporters need you.

  5. Animal Farm is good to read too, Crow. Almost the opposite to 1984. Both by Orwell. He captures the nutty free market libertarians as well as he does the deep state.

  6. What is living?
    Taxes are insane!
    Nothing is equal, some have a lot some have nothing. Society based on your earnings and brains. This is were crypto can play a important role. Devide recourses, fresh water food etc etc worldwide equal. I'm the ninties en the in my teenageyears we ahd everything and bit by bit it is getting lesser and lesser. If this would mean that my money would go to third world countries to help people I would be ok with it but it is making the rich richer and not helping others. On the otger side goverments are spending way to much on stuff not for us. Who can solves this in the end? Correct WE, the normal people. Be good to you surrounding, help where you can and be happy if you are healthy. ❀

  7. Their plan is to wear us down and have us live in uncertainty and depression. I feel it tremendously. We have to trust in God and DO NOT COMPLY. Take long walks on that gorgeous helps😁I lived in Iona and Sanibel was my therapy!

  8. Ayyoyoyo dont discriminate weed smokers 😒

    Im smoking weed and paying taxes from my full time employment. Not every stoner is sitting at home al day and smoking weed πŸ˜‰

    Nevertheless i get what u are saying!

  9. I know I wrote a bunch of stuff. But thanks for putting all this out there and thanks for being a voice of reason for people in an unreasonable world. Just know there's many people in the fight trying to wake people up and trying to get America back to its grassroots. Thank you for using your voice todo it. Just know we are older and being older major wiser. But it aldo makes you eant to pass domething yo your kifs that was better rhan you had. It is our fight and not one we can leavev to our kids

  10. next year i will move to Germany. i already live in the EU but we have a gains tax on crypto like a MF. In germany your crypto gains are tax free IF you have held your crypto for at least a year

  11. Cryptocro I will say one thing. I think you're right and what most people won't do. Even though if they got out and spoke with people, they'd find out that probably 100% of the people in the world feel like they do except for the mindless 20% like Cali. But with cardano. It would be great if there could be a blockchain set up that was able to. Let's just say for arguments say collect taxes that people are willing to pay or if there was a general tax that can be paid with a blockchain account that had a wallet with addresses for armed services last the upper echelon which is instituted by Obama who implemented di in ESG into the armed forces, police officers firefighters ambulances and if we were able to with our taxes, pay those people only via a blockchain wallet that automatically distributed and the money was held at school. Use the rest of our money for whatever we wanted and said effort to everything else that didn't matter. Besides public works and again the workers get rid of a barrage salon. It would be a way to embolden the people blockchain and to be able to do it without the need of a gun or violence or anything. And we would just say that anything that abides by the Bill of Rights, our constitution and our amendments is what we're going to support which is non-treasonous and everything else that's willing to jeopardize it. That claims it in the name of freedom is to be eradicated via no funding. It would be an easy way to take the country back and blockchain would be so poised to help with this

  12. I’m going to the Himalayas. They are mining crypto from dams. I feel this is a safe place and the people in Nepal are so nice. Good and water clean. Potential as it’s a developing country to make positive changes and go in a new direction. The people and company is so strong. We will fight there. One love. Have a holiday there and check it out πŸ˜Žβ€πŸ™

  13. In relation to George Orwell real name Eric Blair, was a student at Eton college, one of his teachers was Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World. Both were members of the Fabian Society. The Fabian Society logo is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, it’s one of the oldest political think tanks in the UK. You have to ask yourself if these books were from random ideas, inspirations etc or a greater agenda, or just another rabbit hole.

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