
Why Every Fallout Vault Is Evil Explained (Vol 2)

Why Every Fallout Vault Is Evil Explained (Vol 2)

#Fallout #Vault #Evil #Explained #Vol


Welcome back to the Why Every Fallout Vault Is Evil Explained series. In this Volume, we wrap up covering the rest of the Vaults in …



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  1. 55:37 While I pin my comment here, I again wish to suggest an all encompassing scope: These aren't simple experiments. They're multilayer, likely were testing something everywhere, but trying to record as much of the social data to try and form some heuristic.

    The one thing it seems to me, is Vault Tec was very optimistic about the aftermath of an exchange event. That they'd be able to maintain centralized control over the vaults, and the assets within. Which generically, they lose.

    Also… what pre-war knowledge was there of mutant life? Many of the vaults discussed with their investigation of heavily mutated creatures seems very out of time, to discuss. It's a development, not a planned intent. It might be something they augmented to their plans after 30 or 40 years… but not something they'd know preemptively. This I fault the video creator, for being a little head over heels, and careless with his language.

  2. I just gotta say. You're amazing at telling the stories of all the vaults. Everything about your cadence and video structure is just gold standard stuff.

    Thanks for the great content dude.

  3. Government inspections?!
    " According to the blue print there is a sealed room over here. "
    " What is in that room? "
    " That is where we keep all of the ten year supply of drugs. "
    " Didn't you say this vault would contain drug addicts? "
    " Well yeah. However the door won't open until year 15. "
    " Ummm no. I'm gonna have to insist that you remove that.
    or we are going to pull your funding. "

  4. The vaults prove how animalistic humans can still be. We have evolved to creating marvels, but we still have no problem reverting back to primal action if life is at stake. Or at least as a convenient excuse.

  5. "Every Vault was in some sense a test"
    Except the "Control Vaults" 3, 8, 13, and 76. There were no shenanigans in these Vaults, because every experiment needs a control, the control being the one that nothing is done to it.

  6. I have a theory that pre war, the Big MT was contracted by the enclave as well, and they developed many of the experimental technologies that were eventually used in the vaults, during the DLC we see, cryo tech, animals undergoing forced mutations, and VR technology at the Big MT.

    Also, my take on Vault 0 is, it was simply another experimental vault, disguised as the vault hub, once humanity re-established itself, it would need leaders, vault 0 was experimenting with various types of people to determine who would be the best suited for the job

  7. Yes fallout 76 was a giant β€œso like what if we gave them nukes? We tell the over seer that we want control right. But in reality we want everyone to focus on that fact. See what happens.

  8. I think its important to mention that vault 76 forced its residents to leave. The life support systems were set to shut off within 24 hours, rendering the vault uninhabitable in 72. Other vaults that opened to the outside world were still largely habitable.

    Following your line of thought about a colony ship, that variable could be used to simulate an overpopulation scenario, an emergency evacuation, or simply a single-stage landing craft. Regardless, it would mean leaving their safe haven would be a one-way trip.

    The vaults that opened but remained functional could be more representative of an entire colony ship landing or perhaps even successful orbital shuttle infrastructure with refueling capacity.

  9. I would love to see a vault net wise radio, broadcasting from vault 0. Imagine enclave in direct contact with all vaults shaping points of view, broadcasting mass media and bringing a sense of community to vaults around the country. News from every vault reaching every vault.

    It would be dope.

  10. I have some vualt ideas.

    Some vaults that has artificial wombs, and the other components for the reproduction.

    First one a vault that can be testing for a ship to create life when it reaches its destination. So say it was one where the robots rase the children. It can go bad in the lord of the flies way. They wind up becoming raiders but more aggressive for even raiders standards.

    The second approach is having teachers a d caretakers ready to train the next generation when ready, more of a success with some socializing quarks.

    The last artificial womb can be expermenting on genetic engineering people as one scientist points out two things one we may need to do some bioforming as much if not more terraforming. Second, we can be slecting trates that may not be beneficial to surviving an environment. It would be enteresting if it was well hidden do two the feer of mutations. A conspiracy in another conspiracy. The group comes out but but calling others breeders. They can become another antagonist like the Master in Fallout one. They see the old breeding way outdated and humanity needs to change to survive especially for space travel.

    Another vault can be if the a voult filled with some privileged classes, like trust fund kids, actors, and enhancers with good things in the vault. Nothing goes wrong but one thing they become depraved as they had little struggle. It can be alot like the dark Eldar from ww40k. This may be a good experiment to see if one may need so.e character building and discipline to keep that problem at bay. You do not want a decadent generation ship. They may be putting on elites but mYbe so.e elite members should be excluded.

    The last one is some radconing for vault 666. It would be interesting if it was ent to be a vault but the. There was some wormhole technology breakthrough. So it was lookig at the possibility to do ftl so maybe generation ships are not needed if this was a success they took a more more later vault under construction. Can the vault be 666 at the time or just another high number do to a later build date? Who knows but something came through. The vault is more at this point like a SCP facility keeping what ever is in in. Maybe Diablo what being locked in. It would also be interesting to have the place guarded by high teck monks like the BoS. This can be a religion as a means to keep a tradition at looking the what ever is in in.

  11. What if vault 8 opened so soon with working geck just to test how well they could colonize a hostile planet. 13's water chip was just a purposely placed area of conflict. Open war to get one, or their ability to barter without a universal currency.

  12. Fun fact : In 2009 Modern Warfare 2, US Government and General Sheperd are in this secret vault in Cheyenne Mountains and during the same game, they are worried about the nuclear missile that have supported the US Army during the battle of DC but also destroyed the ISS in the process

  13. A good generation ship would need to be big, very big, so big in fact that you would be able to have the equivalent of a small nation in it and include such luxuries like artificial gravity(in the form of spin-gravity), trees, grass, and a wide variety of other plants. This of course has it's pro's and con's, but it would mean that any ship with a small crew is likely to fail long before it reaches it's destination

  14. The cut Vault 120 doesn't seem that goofy to me. A study whether humans could accept a non-human overseer is an interesting one, and it would be good data to find whether they would fair better under and/or accepted a biological one versus a computer. Plus the data of how well a mutant animal could fair in the role.

  15. I just finished the first part and it was a fascinating watch. I was always interested in the Fallout series, but the lore of the vaults settled it for me. Just bought New Vegas and can't wait to start it for the first time!
    (I skipped the vaults of 1, 2 and New Vegas, though)

  16. A generational ship would absolutely need a way to replace complex and simple parts. At the least a small fleet of mining pods to tear up asteroids, an on board foundry to process those materials and then machining spaces as well as more complex spaces, probably clean rooms to produce new computing components.

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