Why Is Taiwan So Rich?

Why Is Taiwan So Rich?

#Taiwan #Rich

“History Scope”

Taiwan started their economic development as a Japanese colony. In the late 19th century industrialisation and early 20th century industrialisation. When Taiwan became independent it became a state capitalist nation. They slowly grew their economy through small and medium sized businesses….



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  1. If you're reading this, Avery, let me suggest what your next video should be. We know about German Reunification in 1990. But what about German Unification before that? The idea of a united Germany only became prevalent in the 1840's, and Germany itself only became united in 1871. I think a lot of us would be interested in German history, especially in its unification. Since you have already done a video on Italian Unification, I think you should also do one on German Unification.

  2. Taiwan is a western country with Eastern Culture. Nurtured and helped by the US and Japan it has become another (smaller) Japan and little child of US. It has also kept all of the traditions of real Chinese Culture. China does not like it at all because of this and wants to take it over. The US is like “no fing way bro this is my little baby Asian child and I love it and will fight for it a d it’s people” so this is why it’s such a flashpoint. There are other reasons but for China to try to take it over would be a bad bad move.

  3. Taiwan is the Republic of China, because that is where Chiang Kai-Shek fled to after losing the Chinese Civil War. It still claims to be the real China, and if the PROC invades it, Taiwan may very well be the spark that ignites World War III, the war that will mean the extinction of the human race.

  4. This video seems a bit too political. It seems to glean over some things, like anything b4 16th century. It also does not mention the portugese & spanish colonization periods, but strangely enough does mention China & Tibet for no apparent reason (well I think I know what the reason is)..

  5. One minor mistake, you said dictatorships are inherently unstable. When this really isn’t true, dictatorships ensure long-duration rule and political stability compared to the rapid change of political parties in democracies.

  6. I think including at least one segueue into chocolate is now mandatory.

    Also – you missed a chance to discuss their relationship with China, who firmly believes that China..


  7. Taiwan today suffers from a Taiwanese version of the oil curse, where electronics is the oil. Only the electronic industry is rich, while other industry are stagnating and offer very low salary

  8. It is very hard for other country replicate Taiwan's success since there will no such scale inflow of huge human and wealthy like when KMT flee to Taiwan in 1949.

  9. For those waitching the video from oitside of Taiwain, let this Taiwanese tell you, no, Taiwan is far from rich. Most wealth in Taiwan is concentraded in the hands of a preliviged few. The rest are just struggling to get by. Don't let the title of the video fool you.

  10. Taiwanese ppl are skinny bcoz they exported there food & cheap clothes are well cheap , expensive clothes are well expensive the comedic gold of this Au

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