



“Jake The Asshole”

Jake Gibson is my name, and Funny is my game. Jake Gibson is a comedian that blends truth and humor together in a unique way that transcends everything imaginable.




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  1. 0:04:55 – WAAAZZUUUP
    0:07:25 – My Take on "Vibe of Cosmos"
    0:10:37 – My Thoughts on Trump & Biden
    0:17:52 – What happens to celebrities when they fake die?
    0:32:09 – Why did NASA fake the moon landings?
    0:36:18 – Land On Da Moon Song
    0:41:39 – "Last Hit" (2013)
    0:47:44 – How India Staged Their Moon Landing
    0:50:34 – What it's like to argue with a Brainwashed person
    0:59:33 – Elmo as Neil DeGrasse Tyson (Impression)
    1:03:32 – The Greatest Beat Boxer of All Time (Setup)
    1:07:50 – Beat Boxing Begins
    1:14:36 – Owen Benjamin Steals My Comedy Bit
    1:29:16 – My take on Elon Musk
    1:53:05 – Info Wars 2.0
    1:57:28 – Crying Alex Jones (impression)
    2:01:05 – Trump Returns as President (Impression)
    2:10:35 – Arnold Schwarzenegger (Impression)

  2. 2:26:52– exactly. Land on da moon has pretty much been my anthem for the summer. It's really just two chords that alternate through the song, so I have had two chords playing in my head nonstop all summer long. Everyone loves that song, even the shillbags that call you a shill; even they were singin it! Solid gold. Your ideas are so good that people like Owen blah blah have to claim your ideas as their own. Great stream. I can't wait to see your vid on the t man incident now.

  3. 7:40 the moon map is a still image from a Time of how things were, like a picture taken but more like a mirrored picture, backwards. The topography has changed since then.

  4. Waiting to hear your thoughts on the Trump assassination attempt… questions would be the people in the stands ducked. Well that's seemed real like that's what people would normally do. But then they stay in their seats there was no body running. If this was real people would actually panic and run I mean run from their seats so. Your thoughts on this?? Hopefully next video!!! The corporation of YouTube does suck!!! Not the down to earth channels uncovering the lies!!!! Thoughts on this!!!!!!!

  5. Being nice about it still triggers most people when you try to tell them the truth. They have to want to see it and many do not want to. It's too much for some to handle. Everything their entire existence and identity are based on becomes a lie. All of us probably went through some form of shock to get this far. Not everyone will survive it. Egos also… if they have not killed their ego then they won't be able to handle being wrong either. I usually drop bits of truth on my Uber drivers and test them a little. One woman was listening to Public Radio and some "space" conversation. I tried my hardest to be polite and I asked her finally if she believed in all that and the moon landing… she said "yes i do". I started to explain a couple things and that i had done over 5 years of my own research… by the next couple minutes later, even though i was polite, she was triggered. It disrupts the trance/spell they are in/under and they get p*ssed off if you try to wake them. 😂😢 Sad but true. Normies. Sheeple. Baaaaaah 🐑. It's not people's faults though. We have all been deceived by ev0l. I also told a girl her "moon rock" was fake. She knew I was telling the truth. It won't make any normal people like you more to tell them truth, but who cares. satan plants seeds of doubt. We can plant seeds of TRUTH. If you sneak them in like Jake said, very very politely, at some point it may click. God is also trying to wake these people. Be the catalyst and the vessel. Definitely. Help out. That's called light work. AKA anointed aka Chosen if you really walk the narrow path tightly enough. Then you're protected and can do all sorts of things. Its also ones duty though, if bestowed with so many chances and abilities. Don't waste it. Can still fall short too much and burn 😂. For real though. You have to gain spiritual Discernment from GOD and you can tell who is what and who is a waste of time to try to reach. It takes practice and failing but then level up and get better and better at it. Many are called but Chosen are few. The ones that take the call go through all the sh*t. "Sheeple" will attack you because people who are spiritually empty vessels can become meat suits (hosts to demons) and they know if you're Anointed even before you will, and will attack you through people. People are like organic portals if they don't have GOD. Jesus breaks them though. They flee from his name. Yeah my coworkers turned into demons. This is common for a lot of Ti's aka Targeted Individuals aka ones who woke up or are of God. All targeted. So, to try to teach a Godless person, if you yourself are of GOD, it will open you up to demonic attack. You have to know how to get in and out and speak to the person, not just the demon. Talking to a demon is draining and weird. Its not fun and can make you sick. They feed on negativity. If you try to teach someone empty, a demon already with them will attack you. So choose wisely when you reveal your own nature or purpose. The more people around, the more they will team up. But its not them, its spirits hijacking them. Bad ones. Be careful. This is why we isolate. GOD BLESS!

  6. Good live dude. I missed it but caught up. So I’m not sure if you’re getting any of my mentions or not but this’ll be my last time trying. I’m trying to help push that this final experiment is all bullshit. Trying to warn people. Thought you may wanna know at least. Anyway I’ve done a couple vids. I’m heavily censored. Badly. But whatever. I’m trying. Check em out if you want. Much respect man. And if you have gotten them, I’ll quit trying to get your attention. I just want you and Qnfee to know there’s more of us out here trying to show the PSY-OPs. Later man. See ya next time.

  7. Awesome show, Jake! I love how you always speak the truth and are so comical while doing so! I stumbled upon a video that I think might interest you that you could use for material for your next show. I would love to hear your brilliant analysis on this one! Why are people always smiling in these interviews?

  8. When you opened door and hallway went to right- I looked into it- the wall aircondioner draws air from outside never vented from ceiling. These fuking liabilities are going to kill me

  9. Jake I want to make a YouTube channel. Not for the money but really to just try help people understand influencers on YouTube, point out the good and bad. Only to help people out. But I have a family. How much time would a 30 minute video take editing and stuff? It will be like a goatis video but multiple people and more subjects. I’m trying to work out if I will have the time and patience to continue. I know you have to work hard at this bro but I have the feeling you absolutely love it. I feel like you are an extended family member as not many normal ppl out there lol

  10. Yo Jake because of you I now detest the goatis fow show. Which makes me watch his dumb videos. I hate goatis but you got me on to chronic also. Also bro you saying you shouldn’t do it because we wouldn’t enjoy as much…. Well bro us listeners get anxiety when u don’t post much. In a a world of shit we need reassurance bro. Sure it can be overdone but bro I would rather have too much than too little and I would send donations as much as I can. Better than Netflix bro

  11. Owen betrays his own claim that he's never heard of you with a line of preemptive CYA when he debuts you're stolen joke. He knows he's stealing it from you, because just in case somebody had already heard you say it, he says "…and a lot of other people in the truth community have picked up on this."

    What "other people", Owen?… I can only ever recall one individual equating the lunar module to something built by a drug-addled homeless person. He knows… And apparently, he has a reputation for stealing jokes, anyway.

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