Zionism and Global Fascism

Zionism and Global Fascism

#Zionism #Global #Fascism

“A Socialist Republican (ASR)”


Palestine Video:

0:00 – Opening
1:36 – Introduction
7:07 – The US, Nazi Germany and Israel
16:09 – How Israel helps spread repression around the…



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  1. 24:42 Fourtunately, Yemen Houthis domiantes 70-80% of Yemen and they fight against US. Although Houthis are hostile to communist southern Yemen, we should support Houthis for the lives of Palestinians.(Houthis is also friendly with Syria, China, DPRK, Venesuela, Cuba, Nicaragua)

  2. 9:20 arguably the most n°zi-complicit american company was IBM, which set up a german-based franchise company to comply with ary°nization laws specifically to then supply and operate the punch-card computers that organized the camp system and the transports and supply shipments to the d°°th factories. IBM was probably the private company that played the second biggest role in the h°°ocaust after IG farben – which rented multiple large camps' worth of slave workers for their chemical factories like the ausch°°tz 3 monowitz synthetic rubber factory and manufactured the cyanide-gas-releasing pesticide zyklon, and specially made zyklon B for the SS, which was the same thing with the normally added smelly additice as a warning

  3. Here small mistake, in fact, Hitler was a Socialist, and his party National Socialist German Workers' Party for short is Nazism. What he did really NEW is instead of a division of classes, he divided people by race and nazi, but we see that he's ideas are alive today in Socialist's hearts, and this movie is a greater example. Woke and BLM do the same, with their white oppressors etc. The Soviet Union did this, in fact, what you try to spread today, the KGB already did in the past, you just copy-paste their old newspapers, propaganda movies, etc. You are pure evil and please don't try to hide under fake slogans, all this hypocrisy bullshit already was)))

  4. The arabs denied any autonomous jewish state since balfour decleration, and in the aftermath of the ww2, the local jews had finally enough and declared an independant state in 1947 despite the protests of the arabs for last 30 years. What ensued was a war for survival for the jews, which they won. Cope harder, commie.

  5. Got recommended this video while on the bus home from today's Dublin demonstration for Palestine. Huge turn out, it's time out government followed suit.
    Fantastic video. Learned quite a bit that a didn't know. Look forward to watching your other videos. Fair play

    Zionism is Fascism 🇵🇸

  6. I've been having headaches for a few days and I honestly suspect that it's a lot due to having consumed so much knowledge of just how disgustingly horrible the world capitalist order is

  7. Fuck, the Biden clip reminds me of Jean-Paul Sartre's The Anti-Semite and Jew. "If the Jew did not exist, the anti-Semite would invent him." It's core to the psychology of Western dominator culture. It's not enough for them to just be tyrants, it needs to feel justified or moral in it's excesses and contradictions. "It's not our fault everything's shitty for you slaves/serfs/wage laborer. It's just the Other weakening our system from within and without." Redirect justifiable animosity away from themselves into forever wars and buckwild conspiracism. All the cartoonishly evil stereotypes the United States, the Nazis and the Zionists share about their enemies IS LITERALLY JUST THEMSELVES.

    "Oh, the Jews are obsessed with gold." The Nazis digging through crematoriums and mass graves for gold tooth fillings
    "The Palestinian hates Jews more than they love their own children." – the goddamn Hannibal Doctrine enforces the IDF killing their own civilians & hostages in crises, like 10-7 onward.

  8. Is there a chance you could make a bibliogrophy on the sources used in this video? I'd appreciate it a tonne! Aside that, amazing video comrade. First video I've seen from you and it's amazing. Subbed

  9. Ben Shapiro is a Christian fundamentalist who performs his Jewish heritage and hides behind a Star of David to play with his tiny schmekel.

    Kind of like how Jordan Peterson used to pretend to be secular thinker even though he's demonstrated himself to be neither secular nor capable of intelligent thought.

  10. Germany was also on the verge of a socialist revolution which greatly motivated US capitalists and other ruling elites to fund the nazi party. The capitalist fucks and pseudo-socialist demSocs killed comrades Luxemburg and Liebknecht 😢

  11. Finally got round to watching this just now. Excellent video, as always, comrade!! Loved the clips of Norman Feinkelstein! Always funny in watching him destroy those Zionists and, more seriously, explain how the Holocaust Industry actually works. Also, paricularly liked the list naming those high-profile Nazis being appointed senior roles in NATO. I'm trying to memorise them more, as i'm sick of not being able to in countering bullshit from liberal NATO apologists. Many thanks and much love and solidarity 💚❤✊✊✊

  12. Oi btw, if you want to continue making videos and you have space, I'd recommend a desktop over a laptop. I'd be happy to help you build one (or give recommendations for pre builts). Desktops are much easier to upgrade and generally don't get slower over time.

  13. Honestly Germany and western Europe have a deep hate for Russia and an unwavering love for Israel, No doubt Fascism and Capitalism go hand in hand.
    it was just recently that Germany passed another handout -8 Billion Euros -to Ukraine towards war against Russia
    I say, Good to see Germany showing it's true fascist colours and where it stands. The hate for Russia and love for Israel

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