
Apple Vision Pro Real-World Test (Day in the Life

Apple Vision Pro Real-World Test (Day in the Life Review)

#Apple #Vision #Pro #RealWorld #Test #Day #Life


I take the Apple Vision Pro out for a full day to see who it’s really for. Come watch.

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  1. If you’re near sighted, why do you need lenses? If the screen is directly in front of your eyes, your nearsightedness should see everything perfect, no? No need for lenses when you’re not actually focusing far distances, right?

  2. I think this is apple's jump the shark moment; in their desperate quest to show that they can still "innovate", they release something that nobody needs, few can afford, and which offers solutions to problems that do not exist. I doubt it will be a commercial success and, once the initial hype is over, it will go down as yet another expensive gadget sitting on someone's shelf.

  3. The idea of it being a dev kit is popular but doesn’t make a lot of sense. Developers build apps for a marketplace, people outside of developers need to buy this for there to be a viable market for developers, but otherwise they’re just building for other developers. Tech enthusiasts, tech hobbyists, early adopters are all target markets for this product (in addition to enterprise). The early adopter market isn’t large but they can afford the price point.

  4. The sad part is that we will expect this price tag and lack of mainstream useful features on version one and as they go creating new devices the price decreases and the features increase, but with apple that price might even go higher

  5. This product will be interesting in 10 – 20 years from now when they'll (hopefully) find a way to shrink the technology down so that it could fit into a pair of ray-bans. In the meanwhile, meh. Even if there was something that this device excels over any other kind of computer, I still wouldn't use it simply because I don't want to have a heavy brick strapped onto my face for multiple hours in a row.

  6. I’m a traveling photographer and I’m so over having to find a dark space to sit in for hours to edit my photos after shoots. Now I can chill at the beach, the forest, or some other cool outdoor location where my laptop screen is useless, but my controlled editing environment is in front of me. Not too many people talking about this aspect.

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