Asking ChatGPT: How will Quantum Computers Change The

Asking ChatGPT: How will Quantum Computers Change The World Forever?

#ChatGPT #Quantum #Computers #Change

“AI Andy”

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00:00 – Question 1
03:27 – Question 2
06:32 – Question…



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  1. Time travel and teleportation will definitely happen in our lifetime if the singularity is here. And trust me its already here but they are hiding it from us

    and with they I mean the CIA

  2. I really like this format also. Thanks so much for sharing. I plan to be bacck with some questions you could possibly ask next time. Thanks so much! Blessings.

  3. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    01:51 🛡️ Quantum computers pose a potential threat to current cryptographic systems, including those securing cryptocurrencies and blockchain, due to algorithms like Shor's algorithm which can efficiently factor large numbers.
    08:44 🤖 Quantum Computing holds the promise of significantly enhancing AI capabilities by providing enhanced computational power, improving machine learning efficiency, solving complex problems, and boosting AI's problem-solving abilities.
    10:18 💼 Simulating quantum computers on classical systems offers benefits including algorithm development, hardware design optimization, education, benchmarking, and Quantum readiness for future applications.
    13:40 🤖 Quantum Computing's physical problems include cubit coherence time, error rates, scalability, temperature control, and readout precision, hindering their development and practical use.
    16:55 🤖 Quantum systems exhibit quantum mechanical properties like superposition, entanglement, quantum interference, and uncertainty, enabling tasks impossible with classical systems.
    19:57 💼 Quantum Computing already impacts fields such as chemical simulations, optimization problems, cryptography, machine learning, and financial modeling, despite being primarily experimental.
    23:12 🤖 Quantum computers excel in specific tasks like factorization, quantum simulation, optimization, and certain machine learning tasks, potentially surpassing classical computers in these domains.
    25:30 💼 Quantum computers won't replace classical computers entirely but are expected to work alongside them, tackling problems currently infeasible due to computational constraints, forming hybrid systems for future computing.
    29:13 🖥️ Cloud-based access to GPUs and CPUs, potentially through cloud computing, could revolutionize computational power, offering scalability, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility.
    32:53 🕰️ While quantum mechanics introduces concepts that challenge classical notions of time, the feasibility of time travel as depicted in science fiction remains speculative.
    33:48 🚀 Quantum teleportation is real but differs from sci-fi teleportation, involving the transfer of quantum states rather than physical matter.
    34:30 🚗 Advancements in Material Science accelerated by quantum computing could indirectly contribute to the development of electric flying vehicles, but the direct connection is not as strong.
    35:51 🧬 Quantum computing could impact genetics through improved analysis, advanced simulations, and accelerated drug development, potentially raising ethical and societal concerns about gene editing and designer babies.

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  4. Ask her to explain if free will is possible when every choice is determined by external chain reactions, both for and against.

    Ask her how she can best describe, in an easy-to-understand and comprehensive manner, where consciousness begins and ends.

    Ask her how big the sun is and where to draw its diameter, and why.

    Ask her if Caesar salad dressing really isn't just mayonnaise with Parmesan and Worcestershire sauce, and if those three ingredients are all you really need for the sauce. Anchovies are already in the Worcestershire sauce after all.

    Ask her to discredit a fundamental fact of our reality with a very reasonable argument, and then have her describe the most useless team of superheroes with the crappiest abilities.

    Ask her to write a heartbroken poem but in a very funny and happy way.

    Have her describe a made-up color that's not even in our spectrum but in the most thorough and understandable way.

    Ask her insights on social-political evolution and implications within a modern internet society when all our stress hormones lose their physical relevance, analyzed from a social analytical lens over a 50-year period.

    Ask her who would be best in charge of AGI if it ever develops.

    And ask her if those people would have the power to manipulate markets on a level that would seem like entertainment to us. AI could be able to describe what would be the best course of action to raise a company's stock value on a super professional level with ease. Fire their CEO, have everyone bring him back like a protective family for humanity. It was like a theater that got attention and started rumors of achieved AGI (qstar), starting even more rumors of internal discomfort. A couple of months later, they are valued like a star in the sky, and they are asking for literally trillions of dollars with ease, and nobody questions if it's worth it? Content is the new oil, talk about fiat currency. Who has the crystal ball?

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