
How to make a fractal wood burner.

How to make a fractal wood burner.

#fractal #wood #burner

“DIY Buddy Guy”

how to build a fractal wood burner using salvaged parts from a microwave.



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  1. The one thing I find fascinating (just to use a Spockism)… You make a machine to burn patterns into wood by mounting the most dangerous component(s) to a piece of wood…

  2. Seriously, for those out there saying to take these videos down, or just have some issue with it in one way or another, stfu. If someone decides to make a fractal burner, or anything that could potentially be dangerous, and does so without taking the proper safety precautions, like building something from the instructions of one YT video, or doesn’t do ample research, doesn’t consult with a professional of some sort, and doesn’t know what they are doing in the slightest, than it’s no one’s fault but their own, and even if they didn’t end up making something because the video wasn’t available for them to access, i guarantee that their own stupidity would have eventually taken them out some other way. Saying videos should be taken down because of other people stupidity is like saying library’s or the internet should be shut down because someone got some information from them that ultimately got them killed, or that fast food restaurants should all be shut down because people let themselves get fat by eating too much of it. It’s not the spoons fault that someone stuffed their face so much they became morbidly obese, nor is it the guns fault that someone or multiple people got shot, nor is it the cars fault that people got ran over, the only difference here is that instead of it being an inanimate object that some stupid person wields and gets someone or themself killed, it’s information. Whether or not aspects of it are incorrect or could have been explained better or whatever the case, it’s still simply information. What someone decides to do with said information is completely and entirely on them, regardless of age, experience, knowledge, training, etc… so if someone ends up getting themself killed due to information they gathered, regardless of the source, them and only them are the ones at fault. Honestly, when it comes down to it, if someone gets them self killed by building something potentially and OBVIOUSLY dangerous in one way or another, without the proper knowledge,experience, training, advice, research, etc… then they deserved it, and same goes for myself. Even someone who knows what they’re doing can make stupid mistakes, it happens all the time, like forgetting to discharge the capacitor, or disregarding it thinking it’ll be fine because they’ve done this hundreds of times before, professionals get themselves killed every day, sometimes doing things extremely dangerous that no one should ever consider doing without proper training, and other times doing things that are relatively simple, but got careless. Ultimately, it’s the same, someone did something using information they had (where said information came from is irrelevant), and applied this information incorrectly, insufficiently, or whatever, ending in them getting unalived, the details of the situation and the outcome are the same and can only be blamed on the person who analived themself. It’s not like they got shot by someone else holding a gun, they had the ability to choose to watch a video and make a dangerous machine, multiple times during the process, no less, so get tf out of here with the idiotic “take this video down” or “my so and so died making one of these from YouTube videos, he was only (insert random sad age here)”, you are the problem with this country and the direction it’s going regarding censorship, information removal, cover ups, etc. it’s that kind of close minded thinking that will bring upon the end of “freedom” (or what little of it is left).

    “Oh no, I know someone who died from Covid, so everyone needs to wear a mask for my safety and comfort so that I can die in some random car accident caused by someone using a fractal burner they made watching YouTube videos while they were driving in the oncoming lane on the highway.” Give me a break.

  3. i aint an electrical engineer, and i dont want to be a safety geek, but that looks at least moderately dubious

    but also, you cannot really die without touching the thing (electricity does not usually have range), so I suppose it IS safe if you don't accidentally touch it and that you dont let it leave your sight while on, but also somehow i doubt that is how it is going to be used

  4. I have been working with this and the smartest advice I've received is to keep a safe distance away as this owner can jump from the unit to the individuals that's not putting it in a rubber mat and not wearing rubber boots.. be safe

  5. Hey man. Im a physics doctor and I appreciate this video. People giving you shit just dont understand that free information is paramount, and that science is not some "scary science" that must be secretly kept.

    So many people here talking about how you are being dangerous by posting this video, literally none of them talking about how you were saving lives of people who are going to do this project anyway by posting this video. Science cannot operate off of being afraid of people having knowledge, completly stupid. 1:23

  6. the IDIOCY of people is what really kills me. LOL. SO SO SO many haters in the world …… A quick google search shows 33 deaths directly from fractal wood burning, in multiple sources, since 2016 …. I mean, yall act like NO ONE in the world has ANY SENSE!…. more people die in a month, per city, from just commuting to work in the morning on a normal average everyday basis. Hell ive seen many many people act like they were intentionaly trying to get themselves killed. This is an art! Plain and simple. that doesnt mean everyone should do it though, people eat crayons all the time but do we chastize them? lol no. we feed them more crayons ….. So please stop being so damm uptight and let people be who they are. Preach saftey all you want but at least realistic about it.

    ps. on a side note, it also amuses me to no end how its ALWAYS electicians who claim no one should mess with electricity unless they are trained LOL. people should stop plugging in ALL of their electrical devices then because folks be ignorant and everything should be left to proffesionals …. LOL

  7. You mention "Less than an amp at 10kv". More like 500 MA at 2,500v. Voltage isn't important. But the current is wicked at 2.5KV plus (electric chair levels). Be careful.

  8. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS! PLEASE watch Ann Reardon's explanation of how dangerous this is. If you touch any part of this, you will be dead, your heart will stop. There have been countless deaths from this horrible experiment. Do not attempt, do not share, do not try.

  9. If you're gonna make one of these things For the love of God cover it so you can't touch it.
    And use a dead man's switch. So no power can go to it and if you want it to.

  10. What a lot of folks do not realize about high voltage electricity (say 2,000 V or so) is that it can go where you might least expect it. Like flow along the surface of a table top or a PVC pipe. It will go through the insulation of a set of jumper cables with ease, and through electrical tape as if it's not even there. The wire used in residential housing is only rated to 600 V in most cases, so the insulation on that wire will not protect you. It might as well be a bare wire.
    As of January 2024 there have been at least 33 documented cases of people getting killed doing this woodburning trick. And every last one of them thought they knew what they were doing. -Old dude, not a safety nazi and not a pussy either.

  11. Another dangerous know-nothing project showing every bad way to do it and which is promptly defended by those knowing even less. Prior avionics tech here. Even phools have next of kin who might miss them. Decide how desperately important making marks in wood REALLY is.

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