
No Man’s Sky 2024 The Biggest Year EVER – NMS Update

No Man’s Sky 2024 The Biggest Year EVER – NMS Update Speculation

#Mans #Sky #Biggest #Year #NMS #Update

“Captain Steve”

No Man’s Sky is an action-adventure survival game played from a first or third person perspective that allows players to engage in …



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  1. Lol, I agree with your comment about ship customisation in SF, I'm not keen on the other building aspects of the game. It's a shame we can't actually fly them, which to me includes barrel rolls and planet skimming. To be fair, I haven't played SF since the 'big' update. I am hoping for a surprise.

  2. I just want to say that I really enjoy your 'speculation' videos. I don't normally watch speculation because I find a lot of it is click bait. However, your videos are more about thinking and discussing ideas. I must say, you come up with some terrific ideas. I like your idea about personalised expeditions. It would be so much fun to spring a crazy challenge on friends. Thanks.

  3. I see both of these games existing in parallel.
    They are both related through the atlas.
    Light no fire in my opinion means, create no civilisation or else!!
    There maybe sentinal enemies even. like the shadow creatures
    in the trailer.
    There won't be any cities as usual i believe.
    This will be a mysterious and beautiful fantasy game yet quite minimal in the beginning.
    No man's sky will continue as usual yet focus on space and advace tech to differentiate between the two.

  4. Maybe the next update leads to… the final iteration. We choose to start over for the last time, on a newly discovered planet never to take to the stars again, or remain in the loop.

    As more players choose the final iteration, multiplayer number capacity will be tested. See how many players can be supported per instance and it will be like joining another players game or play alone.

  5. Personally I think Hello Games realize there is only so much more they can add to NMS after all these years and mistakes learnt are putting this knowledge into their new game LNF, I would love HG to cut galaxy/planet numbers by 3/4's in NMS and bring back the old creatures/flora/minerals possibly freeing up the ability to add more content, they need to add more story content whether it be a Quest or side quest/s.. If not I can see NMS either this year or 2025 coming to an end.. I wish HG /Sean Murray every success on their new game..

  6. Honestly, I'd be happy with some procedurally generated encounters/ quests in space and on planets like bandit camps/ caves/ quests from skyrim. Nms has the setting, the lore, etc – i just want to do things in it besides weekly/ dailies. I want to explore with purpose along with aimless journeying to enjoy the sights.

  7. I feel as if we might be reaching too far & HG will disappoint us yet again. Speaking for the community. We might as well expect HG to release all bunked files. Sounds too great to be true. Just prepare to be strung along.

  8. It would certainly be fun to have more risk of being killed in NMS.
    I haven't died as a result of combat or environment in literally years.
    Having a sandworm appear and swallow up you and your exocraft from under you would be awesome. Pirate raids…. like a group of armed agro NPCs ambushing you would be awesome.
    The risk of being one-shotted by snipers and heavy weapons would be awesome.
    Enemies in armed exocraft would be awesome.
    Factions that dont like you so your very presence in their controlled system would provoke attacks would be awesome.
    Having to fight off a boarding party on your freighter would be awesome.
    Maybe even make it a separate game mode where there are more hostile enemies that shoot first and seek you out, rather than being reactionary. The pirate assaults on trade posts are really cool, the explosions and swooping ships… but there is nearly no real threat at all unless you do nothing at all to defend yourself.
    Having to look over your shoulder when wandering about and needing to scout out locations before you just waltz in and help yourself to the various facilities would really make for some amazing gameplay. I want something to worry about.

  9. The Mega Fauna idea is a good one, something that we might need to use our Exo-Skeleton to defeat if we are attacked. I love the Exo-Skeleton, but I use it more as a companion that follows me than anything I jump into and need to use the extra armour and attack that it has since I can defeat most things on foot.

  10. What good is ship racing with multiplayer still being fubar'd? Worthless, that's what.
    Fix multi, then add racing. It's senseless to keep adding crap on top of a garbage platform.

  11. There is a lot of stuff that can be done to strech game life to infinity.
    Imo game needs most atm:

    -More variety in general (biomes and water biome update, fauna [MORE ROBO ANIMALS] and flora , buildings, missions , freighter variety, enemies, points of intrest, etc.etc.)

    – updated building so we dont need to use glitches all the time (UNDO BUTTON!!!!!) , mark multiple parts to move them in 2d or 3d and copy&paste/ delete them. custom snap points ( place snap point A on part1 and point B on part2 then press snap to snap parts together.) and snap angle can be set under specific angle counter or clock wise. It would make building much faster. And make it less tedious.

    – ship customization ( and living ships need a stat and variety boost) endgame loop in some form. And more end game money sinks worth to spend our fortunes on.ship and mt slots are just not atractive enough. maybe travellers clothes cosmetics ,ship decals, etc.?

    – new story arcs with ariadne, gek and vykeen race story.

    – expanding on existing game loops.

    – tools for players to generate content.

    The list can go on and on. Game has still MASSIVE potential to grow and expand after all these years.

  12. Really hoping for a Void Mother story line. A combat and creepy based story line, tying together all the new features added over the years … all the combat, derelict freighters, Sentinel pillars, dissonant systems, pirates. Maybe with the end goal that actually sends you to "the void" maybe its a new universe where every planet is exotic and super creepy

  13. I reckon you're right about it being the biggest year for No Man's Sky. I myself already have the money set aside to buy a 3rd copy just because I said I would do it if they added ship customization, which seems to be a part of the new update.
    I am willing to bet money that No Man's Sky will be built upon further for another 6 years until a final update is released. 16 years of publicly working on No Man's Sky just makes too much sense.

  14. There are two aspects anyway in the game that are quite mind blowing and simultaneously completely ignored. Derelict buildings and the Boundry Failures. There's 2 quite lore alerting Story quests with both of them. The Glass and your own signal from the past and the origin of the voice in your suit. Please make these mandatory (though smaller to acquire, I believe the rings on exotic planets takes over a dozen to get the full story, maybe cut out to 5 or 6). That would greatly give you a better sense of the simulation your just plopped into.

  15. That's the thing, captain. With NMS having infinite potential, I don't even see much logic in Hello launching a new game. I'm excited for the new game, but nowhere near as excited for it as I am for possible future updates in NMS.

  16. Ive got a feeling that with hello games new ip i think nms will slow down with updates to a snail trail. I guess it will have to happen for a far bigger game and small team

  17. I think we will see HG begin to transition away from NMS towards Light No Fire in 2024. I do think there will still be NMS updates and new expeditions for years to come but at a reduced rate. I'm getting the sense that HG sees Light No Fire as their new main, top tier game.

  18. Hello Hello Captain of the Steve’s. Thanks for another outstanding video. You always amaze and inspire me. Any idea what next Quicksilver items will be? It’s been a couple days since old ones completed. Thanks and have a Merry Merry Holidays.

  19. I'm wondering if HG's decided that maintaining NMS on Mac is more trouble than it's worth. Everyone else got the Expedition Redux four days ago. Nothing on Mac in spite of the Experimental branch having a long list of Mac patches since mid-November. Will my access make like old soldiers and slowly fade away?

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