
Outrageous! Canon’s Camera Subscription Model Faces

Outrageous! Canon’s Camera Subscription Model Faces Massive Backlash!

#Outrageous #Canons #Camera #Subscription #Model #Faces

“Ordinary Filmmaker”

Rage Against Canon: 95% Reject the Camera Subscription Scheme!
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  1. Cameras are coming technically into the end. There is nothing to do better anymore. At least in full frame cameras. So automatically the AI is the next step and different kind of subscriptions to make money the company.

  2. Consumers will hopefully send a loud & clear message to Canon. Who’s running things there? It’s a shame because their lineup is solid (obviously, it’s Canon).

    Well, Nikon & Sony welcome you with open arms 😏

  3. In general Canon is missing the boat on new photographers that have never owned a camera. People accept a subscription on their phone, since they consider it a utility and it has always been that way. I guess an argument could be made about film, as a subscription. Back to the new photographers, the R100 may be a mistake, the RF-S lineup is missing fast glass. Every finical advisor will talk about eliminating subscriptions and work towards having people subscribe to your services. Canon has had the cripple hammer for years, now they are going to admit it and charge to have the cripple hammer held at bay??? Having your photography stand out from your competitors is based on skill, lenses, and sensor, not how much you pay for a subscription. The, right now, missing for years 35mm L says to me Canon does not get it.

  4. I divested in my lenses a while ago. I may switch to Nikon now. It depends on what functionality is withheld on the camera. I was waiting for the R5mII to make my decision. It seems Canon is making my decision for me. I'm using my old 7D mark 1 right now with a kit lens. I will not upgrade to a camera requiring a subscription.

  5. Love Canon, but three years ago because it was financially more beneficial for me to move to Sony. The vast amount of lenes Sony has and third party options. Starting a business this was partially a decision based on money. Though have always loved canon. Though with cost of RF and limits I had say no. Recently I have looked at canon again for a fun camera to get, but now with this latest news, I'm staying away. It's not worth it. Canon is dumping their customers and they are only focused on $$ which ulitmately makes a business go away. Dumped adobe recently based on their continual anti photographer headlines. So I can enjoy photography and get better or comparable software cheaper. So as with Canon we can do the same. Know the reluctance to switch brands. Canon is getting to a breaking point.

  6. Nope. Not going to do this subscription model. Canon better be fully transparent if they are going to do this with their cameras going forward, before any of us purchase the R5 II or the R1. I wouldn't even consider $10 a month, let alone a higher cost. We've all done fine with our cameras, me included, going back to my T5i. A small fee for a firmware update, for an added feature that I want is one thing but a monthly subscription, that's a hard NO. It's looking like my R5 will do.

  7. If this is a subscription that unlocks a crippled camera I'm switching to Nikon or Sony , if it is a extra feature that is of a nisch type I stay

  8. Canon who were kind of late to mirrorless, trailing in high MP stacked sensors, still no mirrorless flag ship model after years of rumors and delays, late to opening it's RF mount, late to global shutter but they want to be first to have a subscription model? No I think they would just love Nikon or Sony to beat them to that game changer! I can't see this happening unless all the major camera brands secretly get around a table and agree to announce at the same time.

  9. I've been frustrated recently with Canon; they lost all my registered products including proof of my CarePAK Plus for some of my gear. I can't get an answer from them other than it's been sent over to the IT department. Not happy with them and considering making the switch to another platform if they don't get this fixed.

  10. Thank you Canon, you finally pushed me over the ledge. It had already been really close for quite sometime, I was 0.1mm away from jumping ship and now you have done it! I feel 100% liberated!! This is such a great feeling!!

  11. Entire software industry moved to Subscription Model and entire world found this holy cow "subscription Model", everyone eventually will move to subscription model.

  12. simon to be honest i don't mind to switch as ive already had it with canon
    can't wait for the next 3 day just to see if canon is going to mess up
    other way i am leaving
    in fact
    if i do
    ill be saving money
    sony is much cheeper anyways

  13. One thing Canon seems to be pretty good at lately is growing their competition's business. And I may have to bite the proverbial bullet and switch to Sony. I think Canon must think that they have so many people embedded in their ecco system that they won't leave b/c of all the Canon glass they have; either that or they just think they can do whatever they want and people will just adjust.

  14. Buy a Canon R5C as your first camera and use the R5 second camera. 8K will be relative for the next 10 to 12 years. Make do with what you have and become a better photographer with less lenses. My two cents!

  15. Will the subscriptions being considered by Canon only apply to new cameras like the R5 II and the R1, or will there also be additional subscription fees for photo development software such as Lightroom or Capture One?

  16. I am just getting into pro photography and videography and was waiting to see what Canon brings with the R5 mark II. If it's a subscription model my initial 10.000 Euro budget for a camera and a couple of lenses goes to either Nikon or Sony, most probably the Nikon Z8.

  17. Ok, But what are we talking about? From what you’re saying it seems almost as the camera won’t work properly if we don’t pay the subscription… I doubt that… what I think will happen is that these cameras will be almost like “smart cameras” being able to have a operating system, and that you’ll have to pay a subscription, but other than that, the camera will work normally.
    All best

  18. If Canon goes to a subscription model they can stick their product where the sun don't shine. I won't switch, I'll just stick with what I have until it quits working altogether. By then AI is going to put them in the crapper anyway.

  19. For me, I doubt any subscription required feature would be something I would use. But charge me to have their DPAF2 work, then I am gone. Change me to be able to recatch my subject after it leaves the frame, that's something I can live without.

  20. Was about to drop 10,000 on canon …new to the system ….but I guess Sony is my best bet….plus my gimbles are more compat with Sony , thank you….Ordinary Flimmaker

  21. I am a slower adopting hobbyist. I do buy into updated technology when I feel its prudent. I am currently utilizing a 5DS and was looking to move to RF with this camera cycle, but will most likely not accept a subscription model. Yes, others manufacturers will follow, but I plan to dragged kicking and screaming or will just give up the hobby I've loved for over 45 years. But bottom line is it is opportune time for me to switch platforms.

  22. If camera companies implement any such system, pros can simply go back to their DSLR! After all good pros can make just as good images with old cameras!

  23. It's outrageous if it's for core camera features like focus and exposure, but I could accept it, if it was for in-camera post processing like what is available in mobile phones, because then the consumer has a choice to use other software packages, be it on a computer instead of in-body.

  24. I absolutely doubt any camera company will implement such a system. Maybe pay for an upgrade, pay for cloud storage or some one time service but a subscription, na!

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