
Tesla’s cybertruck warranty is what happens when

Tesla’s cybertruck warranty is what happens when consumer protection is a joke

#Teslas #cybertruck #warranty

“Louis Rossmann”



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  1. You start driving in your unrendered polygon and a person in one of the back seats plugs their mobile phone in to charge without you realizing it. After a couple of minutes there is a red traffic light ahead and you bring the vehicle to a stop. A message pops up on the central display stating that as the batteries were being used for the purpose of charging while the vehicle was stationary your warranty coverage has expired as of this moment. You quickly say some expletives to yourself in your head when you have the good thought that at least you won’t have to worry about an over the air update breaking something. A smile is just starting to form on your lips when another update pops up with the message, “Because Tesla cares for the safety of the owners, drivers, and passengers of our cars, and those nearby, over the air updates will continue despite the lack of warranty but Tesla accepts no responsibility for accidental damage brought about. We are only able to test our software against vehicles of known configurations, of which out of warranty vehicles do not meet that criteria. At this point you let out a loud, “D*mn!”

  2. Again, you can't side with corporations to demand deregulations and then complain when those same corporations turn around and use the immense wealth they've accumulated to skirt whatever laws remain.

  3. My workplace is currently dealing with a similar battery issue regarding the backup batteries for our network closets. The company is trying to claim that our semi-yearly testing of the batteries is causing "undue stress" on the batteries. They refuse to say exactly what that definition is, only that it relates to the cycle count. Each test doesnt even require one full cycle, unless the battery is nearing EOL anyway (which is the whole point of the tests!). We have had batteries pass the built-in automated testing, but fail if we lose power, so naturally we dont trust those tests at all and instead run our own.

    If the battery cant handle a single cycle drain a couple times a year, that is a shit battery, plain and simple.

  4. Maybe there's not enough protection built into the truck to prevent excessive discharge of the battery when used as stationary power. When driving, most people will charge the battery before it's a zero. But if you're using stationary power and not watching the state of charge, the battery could become low enough to cause damage. Perhaps this clause is just to give Tesla an out for failing to program battery management for this scenario?

  5. Elon Musk is a great scammer. Between his ability to scam people and how gullible the everyday Joe and Jane American is, the guy has nothing to worry about.
    Elon Musk is WEF Young Global Leader class of 2008. His personal and business goals align with WEF goals. Does not matter, everyone thinks he's the good guy because there's a sucker born every minute.

  6. Instead of ranting why not ask Tesla exactly what that warrantee exclusion clause means. Before you go off the handle perhaps you should determine if any Tesla owner has actually been denied warrantee service this clause. Many contracts contain vague, unenforceable or even illegals clauses. So what the world is complex.

  7. For the one or more CyberTrucks I’ve seen around my town, first thing I think is sycophantic behavior. I remember it from my days at Apple Retail. Maybe every generation needs an ass to kiss.🙄😏

  8. Can you talk about Nothing CMF Phone 1? I would be a really good phone for the price… I say WOULD BE, because it has a removable, customisable back cover, BUT YOU CAN'T SWAP THE F***ING BATTERY IN IT… WHY? If you go the plus effort to have a removable back cover, you can put a removable battery in it… My head hurts just thinking about it…

  9. I think the funniest influencer incident I ever saw was a youtuber let's player promoting LEGO Fortnight. he spent between half an hour to forty minutes talking about how much fun he was having, how it was a good choice for a game if you like survival and base building games and that he would be back to play the game again.

    He has never played that game since, not even mentioned it.

  10. Louis, I feel for you, my man. It is so hard, while you have a passion for ending all the corrupt things in this world, to settle down to an imperfect relationship with anyone. That passion and hurt will bleed through.

  11. Lol imagine if the manufacturer had to fix everything every Tom Dick and Harry did to there products every time they took a screwdriver and hammer to it

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