
Will EU5 make Naval gameplay ACTUALLY IMPACTFUL?

Will EU5 make Naval gameplay ACTUALLY IMPACTFUL?

#EU5 #Naval #gameplay #IMPACTFUL

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  1. Sorry, but automatic transporting in EU4 is problematic. If you have two transport fleets (One in Mediterranean and second in Indonesia) and you want transport army from Italy to Corsica. If the army is larger than mediterian army will wait for both fleets even if it is faster to work just with mediterian. I know you can use toogles, but automatic function is there so I don't need to do tedious things manually.

  2. When it comes to Automatic Transport, I would love to see a mechanic, where you can assign transportfleets to specific regions. That way you could have multiple automatic transportfleets in different parts of the world, without the system wanting to use all of them when transporting like 1-2 k troops more than the nearest fleet has capacity and the whole army having to wait for a fleet half the world away for transporting…

  3. Here's hoping that Naval is better in EU5. I personally know people who straight up just avoid it entirely. Even I have difficulties with it in EU4 and I would consider myself fairly adept in naval combat/trade.

  4. Navies wont be important, and the reason isnt what you think.

    Pdx cannot create an AI good enough to make navies important. Want proof? Mod EU4 to disable Mil access. This is the only change you need to make navies important in EU4 (if you want to be anything other than a small regional power). The issue is EU4 AI not being able to march their armies across whole continents breaks them. Access being so easy to get acts as a crutch for the AI. Unless they can fix that fundamental issue, navies will never be important.

  5. I NEVER use automatic transportation in EU4. It's MUCH better to do it manually as you can actually land by docking the ships on controlled provinces. Automated transportation does NOT use this.

    So I agree: dysfunctional. As unusable as autlmated sieging.

  6. Im a bit sad about the maritime control, because it sounds like it's not about who else is contesting maritime zones and trade.
    Since Johan said its based on port buildings and your own fleet. Although maybe it will matter how many ships other nations are fielding as well. Since presumably you have lower Naval presence if there are lots of other nations with high naval presence, relatively speaking, right? Because maritime presence would be something relative, if there's a part of the sea no one uses but you, you'd essentially fully control the sea route and your presence should naturally be higher than if lots of others interfere.

    Perhaps Im just misreading it though and that is how it works.

  7. I really hope they give us some major changes to fleet management. The worst part about navies in EU4 is how taxing it is to keep them organized. I really want some more options in regards to capturing ships. Like "add all vessels", "replace losses" and "scuttle all vessels". Scuttling a captured ship could optionally give a bit of free repair and replenishment to represent salvaging parts and impressment. But for the love of god, make vessels a lot more expensive and heavy on capacity as they get more advanced.

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