
Writing Dead Rising 5 so Capcom Doesn’t Have To

Writing Dead Rising 5 so Capcom Doesn’t Have To

#Writing #Dead #Rising #Capcom #Doesnt


Here’s my pitch for Dead Rising 5! a game that’s been cancelled for almost 6 years already lmao.

Let me know your ideas in the comments!

Huge thank you to the peoples footage I borrowed in order to illustrate my stupid ass ideas. This video literally wouldn’t have been possible without…



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  1. I feel like there's so much zombie content in the world now that any new take on the genre would be incredibly difficult to keep original. It's a delicate balance, you have to come up with your own concepts while also paying homage to the greats that made the genre so attractive in the first place. Your pitch falls comfortably in that category I think, with just enough originality to make for an attractive new piece while also giving tribute to the franchise's previous games and prior zombie content in general. I would pay to play this game lol

    Fantastic as always, my friend!

  2. I hate how the zombie gaming genre has fallen off the face of the earth due to just how terrible the recent games have been, I honestly believe Dead rising 4 and dead island 2 really killed it for the genre. It has for me unfortunately.

    Dead rising was one of the first PlayStation games I was introduced too and the zombie grene in general, it’s my all time favorite nostalgia franchise and I just hate how 4 just killed it off. Honestly would do anything for a proper revival 😭 I love your ideas and would love to see a part 2 if you ever do it!!

    I know I’m not the greatest with game ideas but I’d love the make your choice options to return like DR2 had, and would there be another zombrex intake every day? Maybe you have to find Frank some or yourself, or maybe even other survivors! If sandbox ever returned I’d love to see more variety in challenges and possibly cheats to make the mode more fun, like have two modes for it. Your typical sandbox like otr and a cheats mode where idk, you can make your character super fast you can get weapons on the fly. More insane challenges and all that nonsense. The possibilities are endless!!

    Edit: Actually one more as I’m thinking about it, have more in interaction with environmental things like casino slots, but range it out to being able to play arcade games maybe even win tickets to epic combo cards and all, have silly stuff like kiddie rides and possibly even quick times like how much money you can get out of water fountains and get the perfect cannonballs in pools!

  3. Naw fam. Your on the right track but no.

    The best thing to do is start fresh I'll give you that. But not a fucking resort or some shit.

    Give a whole fucking city that gives more to do. Keep the week like gameplay but make it like 10 weeks worth. So you have time to explore.

    Keep all the game play elements from all the games. An screw you I like the exo suit. It was fun.

    The game needs to have a create a character. Bascially a blank canvas. So the player can give them more depth and have it feel like the player can put themselves within the universe.

    An my curve ball is. Because all the game have revolved around the military fucking around trying to make super soldiers with the zombie outbreaks.

    Frank,chuck,and nick all get together to help combat the bullshit.

    Nick is flanked by Katey,Rhonda,and what's his name. They are tasked with helping rescue wayward survivors. That you the player help with.

    Chuck being flanked by the two TIR bikers that weren't assholes an fates were left unknown,and what's her name the red head he basically hooks up with. I'm retconning her ending and saying she told Chuck to go and get Katey to safety and her fate was unknown for along time. That there job would be to take down all psychos that decide to show up. An you can help with them.

    An frank is flanked by his apprentices he left the story of dead rising 4 with along with the other five survivors from that game. They are tasked to figure out what the military is up this time. An you can help them.

    Making it where there are factions of good guys to take out the bad this time.

    I'll give you your psychopaths except one. I'll give you the cult. Cause let behonest. They arent dead yet. The looters would be a nice touch. An the anarchists sound decent.

    For the story. Sorry Isabella has to go. At the end of three she was ploting and taking over. So time for that to come full circle. Except she is working with the military. Made slow break throughs on super soldering the zombies. They put a city at risk and I do mean a big time city to make it worth something. Have it disguised as a terrorist attack. An that's enough to start everything.

    The player which is a create a character. You see a small cutscene where your character is working a deadend job at like an ice cream place or resturant that serves ice cream or what have you. (Created character will be referred to as MC to shortent letters.) Your MC is working with the daughter/niece of the clowns. Like i said I'll give you all but one. An working with a few other young characters. They are working the night shift. So they get to hang out and more or less do nothing. Talk about what they wish would happen to give alittle excitement to life and so on. MC has a thing for the clown daughter. Cause she has a Harley quin like gimmick going on. Bascially bat shit insane as is but also like super smart.

    They clock out for the night. Head home. MC passes out. An then wakes up to blaring alarms and everything. Picking up his phone to see a state of emergency across his phone. Starts checking as much social media and news as the MC can before giving the clown daughter a call. Getting no answer then calling the other co-workers and no response. He knows where the clown daughter lives so MC decides to head the her house first to at least get the lay of the land.

    Which at that point would start a full tutorial.

    Back at square one. Anything can be used as a weapon. No combo weapons yet. MC has basic survival skills and on the fly thinking. Runs into his first zombie. Has to make a decision on what in his apartment can be used to kill this thing coming at him. An so on.

    After that the story begins with the first thing being. Reunite with friends. An shit just goes down hill from there. No one knows what's going on. Everyone is displaced. Eventually through out the chapters you run into the old characters. Learn skills and so on that upgrade your character over time. An all that good shit.

    I agree. No hard to kill jumping fast zombie bullshit and no bloater like zombies. I'm done with that pheromone spreading the zombie virus bullshit. There is literally gas or something that was released through the city. That's what caused it. The zombies dont mutate. But do come in special variants though. You have the zombies who retain some memories of who they used to be. So you got the cop zombies,brute zombies (football zombies in the like),stealth zombies (they like to play dead and lure people into a false sense of security),got the smart zombies (bascially the trackers and are able to use doors an weapons in the like),and so on down that hole. But they remain basic shamblers that only get stronger after 7 and thats because the virus just grows and becomes stronger over time. Not causing a mutation. But festering and growing making the zombies hard to deal with as a whole as they group up.

    I like the idea of just being able to take out hordes of zombies from an area to make it safer temporarily. Giving you time to look around and so on.

    Have multiple safe houses and bunkers through the city. Fast travel like tunnels and so on.

    So I mean mine is a bit better. But I have also been building mine since deadrising 3.

    I don't like deadrising 4 cause we just needed a new character at that point. An I would have been ok with the ending before the frank rising dlc came out and kept frank alive. So at this point. Fine keep one of your main characters. But it's time to sideline him. He's getting to old for this shit anyways.

    Frank,chuck,and nick along with there groups are basically mentoring and teaching along with being plot points or story points to continue the story and side shit. They don't play a full active role till the end when confronting Isabella and ending this zombie shit from the American government.

    So i mean there you go.

  4. With the clown girl idea, it should be his sister. However unlike Adam and Even she's a total bombshell and likely resembles harley quinn. She'll banter with Frank showing him some tricks before she reveals that she knows what Frank did and narrowly kill him with a throwing knife or a clown themed weapon.
    There should also be Flashback missions where you play as Carlito in some and Isabela in some others, during the Santa Cabeza incident of 2005. they'll be stored footage that's been hidden and discovered by the player.

    The story should also revolve around how, only the rich and elite can get the cure while the less fortunate has to rely on Zombrex and chips. There should also be many playable characters like Frank, Chuck, Nick, Katy, Brad Park and current day Isabela that have their own missions and sometimes shared missions.
    Isabella chould possibly be the main antagonist, or a minor antagonist until she realized that Frank and Chuck never left her to die and to join forces to combat the threat.

  5. I have an idea for a psychopath boss it's a cheerleader named Jennifer she had a very dramatic backstory but she also kidnapped one of her friends and also her weapons and she also use her pom poms which has nails in it and she also has a sword and a shotgun
    And the second idea for boss it's a country guy who takes survivor and he will also call you slurs as if you defeat him his weapons are a Molotov cocktail and a shotgun just like the first boss and he also a machete to swing at you

  6. The fake survivalist is a brilliant idea for a psychopath. Maybe a nerd who role-plays too hard and believes they're a wizard and you have to fight them as they throw magic at you except it's just random shit at the tabletop shop?

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